View Full Version : Horrible sensations

30-06-13, 21:42
I get every now and again the most intense and horrible feeling its resides in my legs mainly and feels like my nerves are tickling not prickly or anything like that its like a mild buzz but not buzzy if you understand like a itch you cant scratch coz its deep under the skin, it s in nerves and I hate it it makes me want to jump up and smash something. It comes on out of the blue with no warning, I use to get really bad when I had panic attacks but since I managed to stop them I am just left with this horrible sensation.
Anyone else have this
Also my vision just isn't improving first I just get blurry then its like my eyes wana look in totally different directions, and then sometimes everything just comes at me at once and I cant seem to stop the clutter, I also get sometimes straight line shimmers like if I look at the edge of something it shimmers, I still have the sliding vision my central vision seems to move to the right slightly and vertigo. My vision has never been normal since this all started.
I ve tried everything pills potions and therapy, there are no triggers no history that would cause this 4 years and counting.
I am taking st johns wort but I hat the spaced out feeling it makes me worse sometimes.
I have one other thing that really gets on my nerves is that when I am at my worse my little toe itches like made lol that's a strange one.
I get random chest pains sometimes deep in my chest but sometimes in the muscles, My head feels like its constantly wobbling as well.
Any one out there that has these issues.

30-06-13, 21:45
Hi Scott, you aren't on any other meds are you? Cos St John's Wort doesn#t mix well with some of them.

I would imagine this has all started triggering itself by now. Just your worry about it and your expectation of the next thing, will have set up the vicious circle. So if you possibly can focus on something else, it would be good...

Are you due to see the doctor soon? Maybe think about making an appointment.

30-06-13, 22:03
I ve seen more doctors then I can shake a stick at and now they all have the same answer its all downto me they have nothing left. I only take the st johns nothing else.