View Full Version : Throat Related Freak Outs

01-07-13, 02:11
So... sorry this is basically me venting, and trying my damn hardest not to panic. But I'm freaking out over a symptom and searching for others with the same for the sake of reassurance. As usual.

I know my right tonsil is enlarged, which for all I know has been there months and I'm getting a sharp pain somewhere between that and where the ear canal meets the throat. Not sure of my biology there, but it's around about that area. It's not sore like a sore throat: it's hard and painful, and there's usually a headache around the ear area to go along with it.

Naturally the dreaded C word pops into my mind. I didn't even have to google it this time (actually, as soon as I realized I was thinking these thoughts, I came straight here instead of heading to google, read my correspondences with some of your lovely members who had calmed me down before, and tried to avoid google altogether. Baby steps?)

I don't get allergies. The pain, thinking on it, has been coming and going on and off for months, I've just been fighting to ignore it because I don't want to go through all of this anxiety again.

I feel pretty bad about this actually, because I still felt the need to answer the scared little 'what if's' in my head, even after reading everyone's useful comments and messages, not to mention all that CBT. :unsure:

01-07-13, 09:59
Hello. My left tonsil has been enlarged since about April! I had tonsillitis and don't think it's settled down yet, maybe you have an infection on the way? I've been to the doctors like 6 times about my mouth and throat and they keep telling me there's nothing wrong. Get your doctor to check it out to put your mind at ease. Just don't do what I've been doing the past few months, which is poking my throat and tongue 20 times a day. Probably doesn't help much :/ ha. Hope you feel better.

01-07-13, 10:46
I've discovered one of my tonsils is swollen and I freaked out because of the cough that came with it
Especially since I persistently think everything is the big C (thanks to dr google) and I am a little anxious about going to my actual doc because I fear the worst will be diagnosed. I'm really scared and its putting strain on my pregnant fiancé to see me worry about "nothing" even though its so real to me. I'm sure that because I'm so worried I've convinced myself of other symptoms arising. I'm booking in with my doctor tomorrow... at least thats the plan