View Full Version : Help: How to seek treatment? Where to begin?

09-10-06, 05:29
I have been recently suffering multiple, unbearable panic attacks daily for the past week due to seperation and I am having a difficult time coping. It is affecting my ability to work, eat, sleep and just plain live.

I have been an on and off panic attack sufferer for the past 30 years and have never sought treatment of any kind and I am not sure how to begin. Any advice would be appreciated. I have had attacks in the past before public speaking engagements, fear of heights, or when sleeping and panicing about death, losing someone close, failure or growing old. This latest episode is by far the worst though the other things mentioned above have always been fears in the back of my mind.

I am not sure if I need to see a therapist or psychiatrist, learn to cope on my own or what? Please help and thanks.

09-10-06, 07:29
hi eric you are not alone i suffer from terrible panic attacks goand see your doctor i have only just signed up on this website and i never knew so many people have what we both got you will be fine you may be suffering from depression also which i am suffering from right now so i do know how you fill please go and see your doctor he may be able to put you on medication which is what im on take care and im always here for a chat take care mazza xx

mrs m bevis

09-10-06, 09:41
hi erik, all the help i have had has been through my doctor. i am lucky that i have a very understanding doctor who has really helped me. however, it has always been me who has made the suggestion of what type of help i want (medication, therapy etc.) - i asked her directly to refer me for cbt, which she did. I think it is a good idea to have a think about what sort of approach you think would help you before seeing your doctor as i think some of them expect the patient to take the lead when it comes to mental health issues.

i always think that your first stop should be your gp, but as you are in the usa this may well make things different as i guess you have to do this on your health insurance? maybe other american members of the forum might be able to advise a bit more about this?

dont think that you need to cope on your own, even coming here lets you realise you are not alone, and you will get lots of advice from fellow sufferers.

take care,

09-10-06, 12:48
Hi erik, take that first step and visit your g.p. sharing how you feel about yourself will make you feel better,take one day at a time. we,re all here for you ,you are not alone.:D:D

09-10-06, 14:35
Hi erik.see your gp they will be able to help you.This forum is also a great help.You will get lots of advise here as everyone is here for similar things.;):);)

Ellen XX

09-10-06, 21:48
Thanks everyone, I will make an appt with my GP today.

10-10-06, 21:31
Best of luck Erik.....there's a lot of people here who know exactly what you're going through. GP is def your first port of call...be upfront about how you've been feeling and don't be shy of admitting that you've been struggling. Facing up to this is your first step to overcoming it...it's difficult to admit you need help but coming to terms with that, realising that there is help out there, and recognising that all over the world there are millions of people who struggle just like us puts you on the road to recovery. You are not alone. Feel free to pm me if you need to!