View Full Version : Anyone else get more anxious when off work?

01-07-13, 13:26
Hi guys.
So it's the school holidays in Scotland and I have taken the next 2 weeks to be off with my son. I have been kind of dreading this because I have noticed that when ever I am off (sometimes even just a weekend) I tend to see a an increase in my anxiety symptoms. This morning I awoke to a really knotted feeling in my stomach. It's so annoying because In feel I should be thankful to be off, but I just find it really difficult to relax at all.
Anyone else experience this and what do you do to combat it?

01-07-13, 14:24
Yeah I get the same sometimes but think it's because our minds are kept occupied when we're at work. Just plan things to do most days with your son and sometimes just relax which I know can be difficult but I find the more I do which I'd rather avoid, because I'm proving to myself there's nothing to worry about over time it bothers me less.

01-07-13, 22:30
Sometimes I find it harder being out of my usual routine, and having tasks to fill the day. I think Stu's idea to make some plans is a good one, then you know what you're going to be doing, which might give you some reassurance.

02-07-13, 11:44
Thanks for the replies. I think I will take your advice and try and find things to do and stick with a plan. Off to buy paint today to get my kitchen decorated. That should keep me busy for the next few days and hopefully keep my mind active and also some sense of satisfaction when I've finished.

02-07-13, 15:42
That will certainly keep you occupied! Good luck with it.

02-07-13, 15:55
Work started. Walls have been prepped with sugar soap and one wall painted. Not too sure about the colour. Looks quite different than it did in the shop. I'm going to give it time to dry to see if it looks more like expected! I think I might have bitten off more than I can chew, but I'm looking forward to the challenge!:D

02-07-13, 21:46
Good luck....don't be too hard on yourself. I find that I'm worse at weekends when off too but took I today off as sick and exhausted and slept until 1.00. (This was my first day off in months but my workplace doesn't have a culture of taking time off). I briefly woke at 7 when hubby & kids heading out but I said to myself that I needed the sleep and gave myself permission to go back to sleep and postponed worrying until after I got up!!! This was the first time that worry postponing ever worked. When I got up I had made plans to call with mum & dad so the rest of the day went ok too.
I am seeing a counsellor & she said to be kinder to myself and so I was. I'm going back into work tomorrow and don't intend to feel bad as I really needed the time off. I get my holidays on Friday for 2 weeks but have made no plans so I intend to make some as don't want to sleep my time away either. Enjoy your holidays with your son, do plan some time with him but don't beat yourself up if you can't manage to do all that you have planned x