View Full Version : Rock bottom!

01-07-13, 15:38
Hi all,

My name is Russell and I have had agoraphobia and general anxiety for the past 16 years. I have learnt to deal with a lot of it though there are still places I avoid.

The reason for joining this group is that last Sunday my partner of fifteen years told me that it was over as she wanted more! and that I had to go.

I new I had to go knowing that I can't make her happy because of the agoraphobia which stings a bit! But being faced with having to leave the person that is the centre of my world and truly love and the thought of not being with my children pushed me over the edge. Regrettably after a bit to drink I saw the only way out being a razor blade.

Thankfully I was found and taken to hospital but now have the guilt of that to deal with on top of everything else.

I'm not really sure what I'm looking for on here, but being homeless (with big sis) away from my children without the women I love and very depressed I thought I would reach out.

If anybody has read this far thank you! I may try the chat rooms in 5 days time.


01-07-13, 15:40
Sometimes it is enough to know that other people are also going through the mill. I'm sorry life is so bleak right now. You will find plenty of people will respond here Russell.

01-07-13, 19:16
Welcome to the site, sorry to hear that life is so tough for you at the moment. You will find lots of support and help on here. Hang on in there x

01-07-13, 21:46
Sorry to hear you are going though such a tough time. You'll find lots of help on here.

What meds and therapy are you currently having? I hope you'll start to feel better within a few weeks. It may not seem like it now, but things will get better. Can you make arrangements to have access to visit your children?

Take care. :hugs:

03-07-13, 23:15
Hey Russell,

There's a lot of good folk here with a lot of different experiences, so I'm sure you'll find a lot of useful information.

You've made a really positive step by joining the site, so welcome! :welcome:

03-07-13, 23:42
you never know you may get back together but you have rights to see your kids but lets hope is dose not go that far you will gwt lost of support on here take care

Daisy Sue
04-07-13, 00:44
Hi Russell, so sorry to hear what you're going through just now :(

I guess the only words of wisdom I can give you are.. hang on in there. Life really does throw crap at us sometimes, and it seems there isn't anything to hold onto, or to give us hope.. but time has a way of sorting things out, in a different but acceptable way.

Reach out to every single person in your life who you feel you can talk to, whether it be friends, family, or professionals - the more support, understanding, advice & practical help you can get, the better.

Personally, I've been at rock bottom myself, and the only reason I kept on going was for the people I love, and who love me. I had to pull myself up by the bootstraps and find every bit of strength I didn't know I had left.. but I did it. You can too.