View Full Version : avoiding help because you don't want Anxiety/depression on medical records

01-07-13, 15:43
Is it just me that avoids going to the doctor for anxiety/depression because i dont want it on records? I am affraid it will stop me getting work in the future.

01-07-13, 15:44
It has never stopped me getting work.

01-07-13, 16:04
I posted a similar question got some good advice see the thread "Don't want my doctor to know"

01-07-13, 20:32
I've had it on my records for years and it's never stopped me getting work, it's important to get the help you need to get where you really want to be in life. I totally understand though,I worry about talking about it with colleagues at work because I don't want them to judge me and most of them don't know I have a mental health history.

01-07-13, 20:41
It depends what job you plan going for?
If would affect getting into police force for example...

01-07-13, 21:09
Yea like Stormsky said it depends on what Job you plan on doing in the future. 90% of Jobs aren't going to check that sort of thing and probably don't have the power to see your medical records, unless you want to work for the police or government etc

01-07-13, 22:44
Totally. Particularly for someone who was training in psychology :-/ But any jobs that check are just checking to make sure you're not like dangerous to be around vulnerable people.

02-07-13, 18:08
Your health and wellbeing is far more important than any job. I hope you will get the help you need. Do you really want to look back in many years time and regret that you spent time feeling miserable when you could have requested help?

By the way, if a potential employer wants to look at your medical records, they have to have your written permission first. Even then, it would probably only be for insurance purposes - eg for the pension/life assurance included with the job.