View Full Version : Student, writer, drifting

01-07-13, 17:28
I'm a college student with OCD still trying to find my place in the world. I worry I may have more than OCD, and my fears hold me back from being who I really want to be. One of my passions in life is writing, but how do I experience enough of the world to be inspired and write fiction that catches the attention of those living in it if I hide away?

If you hadn't guessed by the name, I'm also a fan of spicy food and do some cooking at home. I love birds and am bringing home my first cockatiel soon for company.

I may spend too much time online some days, but it's a comfort I don't know what I'd do without. I've always longed for a sense of community since I've never felt close to my family and have struggled to find a sense of belonging offline.