View Full Version : Muscle pain - anyone else?

09-10-06, 09:37
Can someone please help me?

I have had stress and anxiety symptoms for abput 18 years on and off but since March this year, I have had a lot more instense and ongoing symptoms.

It started with very noticeable palpitations and ectopic heartbeats that made me feel dizzy. I had already been diagnosed with IBS last year and TMJ (causing tinnitus the year before). For as long as I can remember, I have had some pain in my knees but in the last 3 months, the pain has become more constant and widespread. I have a lot of upper back ache that spreads into my shoulder blades. The bones at the top of my spine are sore to touch. My ankles and my toes ache and cramp and often feel swollen but they are not. The most annoying and painful symptoms is pain in my hands, fingers and wrists. I also have chest pain into my ribs. Plus also, sciatica type pain all down both legs.

In the last month, when it has been warm outside, I have got really overheated and haven't been able to cool down. In the last couple of weeks, since it has got cooler, I have been feeling really cold, especially on my hands and feet and wake in the night feeling cold.

I just feel awful - achy all over. And so exhausted! I am seeing a chiropractor, and Alexander teacher and a reflexologist. I am taking vitamins, drinking plenty of water and trying to eat healthily. I saw my doctor when the wrist pain started 3 months ago and she just said it was probably arthritis and told me to put my hands in warm water. She makes me feel like I am wasting her time as I have been to her so many times over the last few years with various complaints. I really don't know what to do.

My husband and I are planning to get pregnant soon. We already have 2 children. I don't know what to do about this as I feel so rotten. Having said that. I have read that FM symptoms often ease with pregnancy. Can anyone please help!!

Jo xx [V]

Jo xx

09-10-06, 19:56
sounds like all the years of anxiety are catching up with you. i would trust what doctors say, because the choice is ultimately between trusting them or irrational fears. physical manifestations of anxiety as you know are very often chest, muscle, back pains, ibs, etc, but since the body is so complex, and the mind so paranoid, the list goes on as far as the imagination allows.
of course anxieties are often manifestations of other problems, maybe you would begin to feel better if you talk to another kind of doctor, or if you at least make a vacation.

09-10-06, 23:06
hi jo,
i have not been suffering with anxiety as long as u, but i have had a lot of the anxiety symptoms u have described.
my worse being at the moment the pain i get in my ribs. it starts from my xyphiod bone and moves along the ribs to the back.
i am a health anxiety sufferer and the slightest little ache is really something bad (even when i know it isn;t)
i am waiting to c a councillor, but until i get to that stage i have found it quiet helpful to keep a journel.
i write down each night how i have been that day. it helps me put alot of things into perspective by actually seeing it in black and white.

it dosn't stop all my aches and pains but its quiet thereputic.
i wish i could be of more help to u but feel free to pm me if u ever feel the need too.

wishing u well

pp x

10-10-06, 14:49
Hi Jo

I suffer with health anxiety. For years i have had pain in one knee, one arm and i also get terrible upper back ache and chest pain.

I seem to have aches and pains everywhere. I often feel like i have been in a fight.

I cant give you any adivce im afraid, i wish i could get rid of mine to

love mandie x

10-10-06, 15:25
I could identify with an awful lot of that actually. A couple more things to try (:D to add to your list) is yoga on a regular basis, this helps pull out the tension in the muscles and also Udo's choice oil. You buy the oil from good health food shops and although a bit pricey is well worth the investment. It has the correct ratio of omega oils in it - fish oils being the usual remedy for creaky bones etc.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

13-10-06, 20:15
[HI, I have read your symptoms and cant believe that everything you have, I suffer with also. I find that the muscular pain is worse from october onwards, Everything you describe i have on a daily basis. From the palpatations to general aches and pains in my back, shoulders, neck and tops of my arms. I am a busy mum with two young children, and never have time to relax and rest. I know this has a profound affect on my general wellbeing as I worry constantly and always seem to be on edge and tense. Do you find your symptoms are worse when you are on edge or stessed?


13-10-06, 20:26
This is me exactly!!! I get so stressed and upset and then ache for weeks just as if i have been in a fight!!!