View Full Version : I don't think I'm afraid anymore but.....

02-07-13, 03:34
Does this sound strange that I feel I get anxious because of habit....because I always get anxious and afraid, but I really don't think that things bother me that much anymore! Can anyone relate?

Don't get me wrong. I'm in such a state over the dentist but I feel like I could sit there and get the work done but habit is causing the anxiety....not because I feel anxious!:scared15::wacko:


02-07-13, 06:53
You are not a lone :D me too

02-07-13, 07:06
thats funny u said that...i feel like im ok...then i know im going to pick my daughter up from school and i think before i go right its ok u are not dizzy and as soon as i get out the car i feel awful...i actually enjoy picking up my daughter and seeing her happy face run towards me and chatting to teachers about her day...but i feel out of a habit i always think negative when i get there because for a few days a felt dizzy going there...its like its stuck everytime i go there now...werid as am not anxious about picking her up at all...

02-07-13, 12:25
I am the same with travelling on the bus, have had some horrendous panic attacks on the bus going to work and now just the thought of going on a bus fills me with fear out of habit :)

02-07-13, 14:22
You are right. Testing for anxiety can certainly become a habit. Now you have recognised that it is happening you will be able to dismiss it as just a habit and nothing more. As you become more confident in yourself to handle any situation it will be less significant in your life.