View Full Version : Really need some advice

02-07-13, 10:40
I was at the doctor's last week about my mouth and tongue. She told me there's nothing wrong again, but I'm just really not convinced about this. Since I went last week I've got a sore on the side of my tongue, and it feels like my tongue is burning, or tingling or something, on that side. I'm really freaked out and upset. I want to make an appointment but I feel stupid/embarrassed about going back again. But all of this worrying is really affecting me. I've not been able to eat much the last few days through worry over this. But at the same time I don't want to run to the doctor's every time I feel anything slightly out of the ordinary. Should I just ride this out? Or go and get checked again to be safe?
Any advice/support would be really helpful, thanks.

02-07-13, 10:51
I had something similar a couple of years ago and was really worried it was something serious. I went to out of hours doctors and they were quite useless and I couldn't even understand what they said. I ended up getting some corlan pellets from the chemist and it cleared up in no time. Mine looked like sores on my tongue and was tingling and sore.

02-07-13, 13:08
Thanks, makes me feel better to know someone else has had something similar! It's just doing my head in, all this mouth business. It fills me with dread! I've already been quite a few times...is it possible for her to miss something? Ahh, stupid brain.

02-07-13, 14:54

If you have seen the doctor a few times about this problem, i think it is extremely unlikely she has missed anything obviously wrong. I know how you feel though, because we are always left with a feeling of doubt, which can grow stronger, especially when you are experiencing symptoms. It isn't unusual to have a little sore on the side of the tounge, or anywhere else in the mouth - i often do - usually on the right side of my tongue where my teeth sometimes catch it. I think anything slightly wrong in the mouth feels a whole lot worse than it actually is, and of course anxiety heightens these sensations. I once had a burning sensation on the roof of my mouth - there was nothing there - but it continued all the while i was focused on it.

If i were you, (and i know it is Really hard) i would try to ride it out, because i firmly believe weaning yourself off reassurance is the only way to beat this dreadful health anxiety. Once you realise there is nothing to be overly concerned about, it will help build your confidence to deal with other anxieties that crop up.

A think a part of us realises we are irrational, it is just a question of us learning how to over ride that awful feeling of dread. You will find loads of support on here, from fellow sufferers, who really understand what a battle this is.

02-07-13, 15:04
Thanks for your reply, it's really helpful.
It's just so hard once you have that doubt. I haven't googled for ages, but all the symptoms I saw in my manic searching days are well and truly etched which is why I keep worrying about the weird tingling. I'm going to try really hard not to make an appointment!
It really is a battle. The people close to me are just completely stumped and don't understand what I'm feeling. I'm so so glad I found this site.
Thanks again.

02-07-13, 15:23
Hi there,
that is briliant advice from Rosie. I do know how this feels - you are fine, you know that deep down, that's why you came isn't it... :welcome:

02-07-13, 19:01
It is great advice. I did manage to get a hold of the checking/reassurance thing for about 3 days, then another bloomin' ulcer thing pops up! My doctor just thinks I'm really run down, so maybe I should focus on trying to make myself healthier and happier instead of scaring myself so much.
I do really appreciate the replies. x