View Full Version : contacting family.......fail

02-07-13, 15:48
basically my aunty lives in canada, and last year she told my mum she has a 25 year old grandaughter which we didnt even no about!!!
anyway ive added this grandaughter on fb and shes accepted me but hasnt replied to my message :( my mum added her n messagedher but same again.
i feel let down because itd make me so happy to go and see her! i feel like my family is tiny and this would make me feel happier.

what do i do, i occassionally like her photos should i leave it a year and write again? id hate to write again incase she gets rid of me.

ive always dreamt of a bigger family feeling depressed and upset about this as id love to travel over to texas to see her.

02-07-13, 15:57
I'd certainly not give up, but I think your idea of leaving it for a while is good. She may only just have found out about you too! And she did accept you and your mum as friends so she is obviously open to contact. Leave it a while... she may not want to explain to people on there who you are, just yet.

I don't think this is a 'fail' - just that she needs to take her time.

02-07-13, 16:04
Hi natty
when did you message her some people don't get there messages when they are on mobile devices and some people just ignore the messages
I personally would leave it a while and then just send a short message asking how she is and that it maybe that shes still coming to terms with it all I know this is a different situation but my aunty has just found her daughter (a) who she had to get adopted 44 years ago and her oldest daughter who is a compulsive liar and faker & cheat etc is trying to meet her first but the daughter (a) is already wise to her as my aunty has warned her so she is sort of trying to be friendly but is waiting till shes met her mum first could it be something like this do you think I wouldn't take it personally I usually leave it a couple of days before I reply to certain people as I need to sit down and think what im going to say
I hope you get what you want frosty xxx

02-07-13, 20:02
Hi Natty,

I'm sorry things haven't gone as you hoped. People use Facebook differently and maybe she just doesn't feel the need to message back and forth. Maybe it's a lot for her to take in as well and she's not sure what to say.

I would leave it a while and maybe message her again.

Why do you think it would make you happier if you could have a bigger family? Lots of people come from small families. You might be pinning on something that might just not happen.