View Full Version : panic

09-10-06, 11:21
Help How can i stop fearing parent teacher meetings-i cannot go to my childs scholl as talking to a person one to one is becoming difficult-i want to panick-i think i hope i dont feel like thsi-then i do-even wehn someone else with me-i now feel i cant go-life is getting restrcted by thsi alot-i feel panicky jsut walking down the hill and cant go alone-how do i stop thsi. anyone done the lindon method on dvd?
Nigela xx


09-10-06, 12:39
What is the lindon method [?] lorraine

09-10-06, 12:45
Hi, I just read your reply to my post- 'No way out- please help'- and the message you left above. I know how hard it is to have to go somewhere that always seems to make you panic.

Is the teacher a nice person? If so you should try to explain to him/her about your situation and perhaps you could meet somewhere less stressful to discuss your son/daughter? Most people would probably tell you to just face it and whats the worst that could happen- but if you're like me you'll find this very hard. I feel that the panic attack itself is bad enough to stop me doing something, I mean I don't need the room to actually be moving- the sensation that it is is bad enough!!!

Hope things get better for you soon. I looked into the Linden Method a little while ago but found that most people on this forum didn't find it helpful- just very expensive! Tlak to your GP about other medication and physocological help- that's what I'm doing at the moment.

Hope this has been helpful to you, keep in touch and PM me anytime.


09-10-06, 17:44
I don't believe in that "Just do it and what's the worst that could happen" either. I've tried that myself and it only makes me panic more and dread it more the next time.

So I agree that a good thing would be to talk to the teacher and tell her how you feel. See if you can arrange the meeting somewhere else, like at you house.
Another try could be to just meet with her briefly once or twice. If you can expose yourself to it that way, you might be able to handle a whole conference after a while.
Good luck.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

09-10-06, 18:27
Do you think you could manage a phone consultation. If you explained to the teacher how things are with you at the mo, then perhaps they would be happy to chat with about your child over the phone.

Love Pigletx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

Granny Primark
09-10-06, 18:57
Nigela i soo understand how you feel, ive felt panicky just going round the corner to the post box.
I agree with piglet ring the school up and see if you can have a consultation over the phone.
Hope you begin to feel better soon.

Take care

10-10-06, 10:38
Hi all
thanks for the message
the trouble being -it is a small place and the greatest thing i worry about it the fact that if one person knew how i felt-they would all know-everyone gossips about eeveryone.So if i dont go they would jump tpo conclusions of their own anyway.


10-10-06, 12:48
I know what you mean- I hate the feeling that everyone is looking at me and talking about me- even though they're probably not!

Could you just make something up so you have to speak on the phone- you can't get to the school for some reason. Car has broken down? You've got a cold etc?

Hope this helps! :)

10-10-06, 14:50
monty has a good idea it will mean no one knows about the panic attacks but gives you a way out of going while still having a parent teacher talk


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

11-10-06, 10:55
Hi True
but I cant use that excuse for the next few years tho! or they will think it strange! about to go out now and all worked up-even tho going to take the dog with me-have to everywhere!-as i panicked going down the hill last week-think i will in same place again-do any of you do thsi-how can thsi be stopped?
Nigela x


11-10-06, 11:32
Nobody is going to think that you are strange Nigela.

When you go to the parents evening bring your partner with you, let him do thr talking and you can sit down and listen.

I totally understand how you feel, but good luck with the parents evening, I hope your child has done well!

AKA Scooter Girl

11-10-06, 15:08
I Even get panicky-just sat there-if they are the sort of people who stare at you as they talk! anyone else do this-how do i deal with this?
nigela x
thanks for all your advice everyone-you are so kind
