View Full Version : Is it safe to not check

worried girl
02-07-13, 20:28

I am really trying to kick HA at the moment and I just wanted to get some opinions. My HA is focused on bowel cancer. I am obsessive with checking for blood... So much that I now have a fissure which bleed slightly. Now I know that in my case checking behaviours are the main triggers for my anxiety. At the moment I am obviously slightly bleeding and it gets me panicky. To be fair even when I don't have a fissure I get scared when looking at the paper as I imaging things...
Is it safe not to check when wiping providing I still clean myself up thoroughly ? I am just scared I would ignore a deadly symptom that way...

02-07-13, 20:38
My husband's father died of bowel cancer (he was 80 years old). I am not going to go into the symptoms, but honestly, there was no mistaking that he was very ill. You would know that something was wrong. You are ok not to check. I totally can relate to this. Someone I know had a lymphoma scare lately (actually turned out not to be lymphoma) and I now have the compulsion to check my collar bone lymph mode all the time. Am having to work really hard not to.

worried girl
02-07-13, 20:55
Thank you for your answer.
I went through the lymphoma fear myself a few years ago. I can feel some of my nodes in my neck and I used to check them all the time. The day I managed to stopped the worry disappeared... I had a few weeks rest and bang bowel cancer fear. It is hard to win with HA...