View Full Version : self esteem the problem

09-10-06, 12:43
I have just finished a self esteem 7 week course,
it was set up by my cbt and has been a real eye opener.

I belive this is where my anxiety has come from along with the panic attacks.

if you are looking for answers , then i cant recommend it enough,
to get to the bottom of your panic attacks you need to learn about your self esteem.

I am now looking for more classes :D


09-10-06, 12:49
Thanks for the tip- do you know if there's any way of doing it from home? I find going out to new places very difficult and don't think I would be with-it enough for anything to help!

09-10-06, 12:57
www.self-confidence.co.uk do a 6 week course FREE :D

i am on week 1 ,
it sounds great and at the end of it you can buy further reading if you wish.


09-10-06, 14:50
Hi Mirry
Thanks for sharing that,I have just ordered the free course
not ordered the cds yet, Ill see how I get on with the course first.
Take care
julie x

Granny Primark
09-10-06, 18:33
Mirry thanks, i too will order the free course.

Take care

10-10-06, 10:13

Is this really free as it seems to good to be true as you dont seem to get anything for nothing these days

You mention sort your self esteem out - this is a self confidence course - are they one and the same.

take care

bobsy x

10-10-06, 14:59
Bobsy, i think its just a taster to get you interested, then if you want you can buy further material.

I have put this post in the misc forum for all to see, where i will be adding information on what i have learnt.
self confidence is just one part of self esteem because you can be confident yet aggresive........
please visit the" misc forum" where i will try to explain more.
see you there :D


10-10-06, 20:03
I think low self-esteem is certainly the root cause of my anxiety. My recent episodes of panic/anxiety have led me to take a good hard look at myself and, encouraged by my doctor and by my counsellor, have come to acknowledge that low self esteem has always been an issue for me without me previously recognising it. Mine stems from from a pretty cold and loveless upbringing and a particularly strict and domineering father...the effects of which have resulted in me suffering long term social anxiety and, more recently, health anxiety and panic. I'm hoping now to address all of this and intend to be SERIOUSLY HAPPY and ANXIETY FREE for the rest of my life:D