View Full Version : Have you ever just wanted to die?

03-07-13, 03:02
I can't do ANYTHING RIGHT! I mean anything. Thank god for this site!

03-07-13, 07:04
oh i am sure you can do lots of things right you are just feeling a bit off whats gone wrong? blessings

03-07-13, 08:55
Thank you for that! There is nothing I'm doing right. I'm raising my kid wrong I mean all wrong. I'm at a whole different new job which I keep screwing up on Big Time. Man I wish I could wright the whole big picture here so people would really know what I mean when I saw I'm a real F#%k up person!

03-07-13, 11:19
Ahhhh tinker - don't be too hard on yourself!

In answer to your question - no I'm fighting to stay alive - I don't want to die and death frightens me and illness, lack of not being in control of my mind or my body hence panic - so I'm fighting to stay normal and have a "normal" life. Although sometimes in anger I do say why was I even born and what's the point.

Hope your having a better day:winks:

03-07-13, 14:48
I too have major health anixety so I get you there!

03-07-13, 16:07
It's very hard to live everyday isn't it?