View Full Version : Need Help & Reassurance VERY Pannicky!

03-07-13, 11:18
Hi Guys

Not posted for a while. Hectic week and weekend, had too much to drink on Saturday night, not touched a drop since then and my anxiety is through the roof especially right now. At work and trying to hold and keep calm. Terrible feelings of impending doom and feel like I am gonna have a nervous breakdown.

03-07-13, 11:32
I'm sure you've been through this many times the anxiety will level off and reduce if you let it. Remember to breathe properly, in through your nose making your tummy rises not your chest then out through your mouth for a longer time. 7 in 11 out is ideal but don't force it.

03-07-13, 13:40
Thanks for your reply Vicky:)

When I had a major blip at the beginning of the year the Doc upped my Cit to 30mg, I have been taking 20 for ages the increase was horrible. I felt much better and in May reduced my dose back to 20 gradually with no side effects. I am in 2 minds whether or not to just ride this out or go back for an increase.

03-07-13, 21:43
yeah it's a tough decision. I guess you could always go to your Dr and see what he thinks the cost/benefits would be in terms of possible side effects