View Full Version : Fear I have hep c

03-07-13, 17:22
Hello all, first post so just want to say hello
To everyone and try and put my story across.
I think I've always had health anxiety form an early age, my mom thinks is down to me losing my sister at a very young age.
I have many worrys about my health but my main worry is hep c!
Now a few years ago I used to use drugs such as coke! Now being young I didn't think anything of it until about 5yrs ago it was all over the radio that more and more people are contracting hep c through the use of cocaine!
As soon as I heard this is instantly started to panic, I mean actually making myself sick with worry! So finally after about 3yrs of constant worrying and reaserch online I went to the docs to have a blood test done! Not for hep c but for everything.
When the results came back they said everything was fine! I said so if I had hep c would it of shown up in the test? She said no but your liver enzymes would of came back abnormal and then we would of sent them back off to get tested again!
The reason why I don't want to go and get a full blown hep c test is because I'm scared of "what if they come back positive"! I wouldn't have a life anymore as I would completely avoid alcohol, bad food, partying, and I'd basically just be exsisting and not living!
It's now made it even worse that I've now got a beautiful 9week old daughter and I just want to be around for her as
Long as possible!
I to have OCD and health anxiety and just constantly worry about my health.
Thanks for hearing me ramble on lol

---------- Post added at 17:22 ---------- Previous post was at 14:41 ----------

Oooook, so 40+ views and not one reply? Looks like I came to the right place :blush:

03-07-13, 18:36
Hi Tim and :welcome:

Not all of those views are "real" people as we have Google Bots on the forum all the time as well searching posts.

If your liver blood tests are fine then I would assume you don't have Hep C to be honest but only a doctor can tell you that for sure.

03-07-13, 19:12
Hi Tim,
read what you wrote very carefully - they didn't test for Hep C because you didn't show that first indicator. It sounds as though the doctor was saying that raised liver values would be a given.

I guess it's for you to decide whether a test is ultimately scarier than living with the fear (which will possibly impact on your daughter anyway). And you need to be honest about whether you would belive the results from a test in any case.

It seems to me there are a lot of people on here who are actively supporting each other in not checking things out so often, perhaps you could tap into some of that support..?
