View Full Version : Update: The Last Week Panic Attacks

03-07-13, 15:32
The last week has been hell for me. My Mirtrazapine was reduced from 45mg to 30mg and then to 15mg before I started on Prozac. I don't know if it is a side effect of starting on the Prozac but everything is setting off attacks. I'm agitated, terrified I'm choking and it's so hard to catch my breath. I have also quit smoking as of Sunday so it's day three for me with patches and an inhaler. Could reducing smoking cause panic attacks? I'm really lost here. I think I'm after taking on more than I can handle. I feel like exploding with agitation, panic, depression and severe anger.

I walked away from my session with the Psychiatrist yesterday without a script for my medication and without getting my Clopixol injection, but that is all fixed and I will get them tomorrow in Roselawn.

My question? After spending most of last week in bed feeling beat down, could I now after be taking on too much battling the depression, agitation, panic and anger? I feel like no one is listening to how I really feel. Let's just say that it was a disaster with Dr. Dooley yesterday. I feel like I have no where to turn. Does anyone get my drift?:shrug:

03-07-13, 20:23
Hey Edward!

How much did you normally smoke a day? Could be that the patches and inhaler are giving you more nicotine than you're used to. Maybe start reducing them.

03-07-13, 21:44
Hi Edward and welcome back,

When I gave up smoking, I felt dizzy and lightheaded for a couple of weeks. I don't know what caused it but it passed and I was soon back to my usual, semi-anxious self.

As B says though, go steady on the patches. I remember over-doing it once and I got really jittery and anxious.


06-07-13, 13:44
Thanks Brian and Pip.

I was a heavy smoker, smoking nearly 40 a day. I don't think I'm getting too much nicotine because I am still craving badly.

Today is the same. I can't sleep, I'm depressed and anxious to the max. I tried going into the garden for fresh air and to enjoy the nice weather, but I'm so agitated that I couldn't sit there and enjoy it. Does anyone get those moments where you begin to panic because you think something isn't right and you just cant pin point exactly what it is? I'm having one of those moments and I can't for the life of me relax and stay calm. If I were to be honest, I wish I was still on the Mirtazapine instead of the Prozac, but that was the Psychiatrist's decision to switch me. She is always talking about how good and beneficial it is. She has been talking about it now for so long. It's always "Edward, we are going to try you on Prozac", or "Edward, we think it's time for a switch". I'm so sorry to be going on and on, but I just have so much on my mind right now. I'm all over the place.

Back to the smoking. Like I said, I smoked nearly 40 a day so they have me on 21mg patches (One in 24 hours) and a 15mg Inhaler (4 a day) to help me stay off the Cigarettes. I'm finding it hard, and it is making me anxious, but I'm fighting it. Pip, well done on successfully quitting. I know how hard it can me.

PS: Maybe this topic should be in the "Depression" section. I'm sorry if I posted it in the wrong place.