View Full Version : Photo anxiety/depression. Please read :)

03-07-13, 15:58
I am writing this as I am interested to know if anyone ever gets this?

I have a little girl (whos 1) and I get really anxious about all the photos I have of her. I have them backed up on several computers and external hardrives but I get so worried all the time im going to loose them. I would be so heartbroken and often I think about it happening and I get so worried. Im a very sentimental person and I sometimes take it to the extreme. I want to get all my photos printed out but its money and time standing in my way.
I want to make sure shr has lots of photos to look back on. But why do I get myself so stressed out about this?

I dont think untill I have them printed and organised in folders I will start to feel better.
Maybe this is a typenof OCD?
Its mainly over my little girls photos but I do worry I havent documented enough of my life and dont really have much to look back on. I am so aware that lack of photos of the past is sonething that you can never get back.

Doea anyone get this or know where I am comming from? How do you all store/keep/organise your photos?
Im sorry if this post sounds silly but its something that really gets to me.




03-07-13, 16:09
Hi. I don't suffer from this but I am an I.T engineer by trade. I have seen many occasions where people have been heartbroken because they have had a hard drive failure and lost all their photos. As you suggest, you MAY be taking it a little too far but I have a rule that says "always have more than one copy of anything important". Ideally have a couple of copies in the house (on different computers) and another with a relative or friend. You can also have copies uploaded to the Net, Facebook for example allows you to have photo albums.

As long as you have at least a couple of copies and at least one away from where you live then your pictures will be safe.

Good luck.


03-07-13, 16:15
Hi steve :) thankyou for the advice. I do have them all backed up somehwere away from home but I still cant accept they are safe.

I am so aware of computers failing has happened to me before a couple of times.

I guess its just because they mean so much to me :)

03-07-13, 16:19
You could look into a Google+ account. This allows you to upload your photos to the Internet where they will be viewable no matter where you are in the world and perfectly safe. Just another option to consider.

All the best.

03-07-13, 17:57
Thankyou for your advice :) I will look into doing that. I have so many! Will take me forever :D

So does anyone suffer from this? Or is it just me?



03-07-13, 19:00
I know what you mean. I have lots of digital photos which I've taken over the years, and I'd be devastated if anything happened to them. I have them on my hard drive, with copies backed up to CDs/DVDs. I also have all my photos on my Flickr account, so friends and family can see them. :)

03-07-13, 19:50
Yeah I started putting them onto cds :) think I will continue with that. Thankyou for your reply :)
Im probably dwelling on the what if I lost them side and feel like its going to happen. I need to accept they are perfectly safe :)

03-07-13, 19:51
Print a few real special ones..

03-07-13, 20:02
I know what you mean but I fought it a long time ago. I have been happier since I realised it's making memories which matters, and that the photos are lovely extras.

03-07-13, 20:20
Yes thats a nice way to look at it! Thanks :)

03-07-13, 20:36
I sometimes worry that if I lose a photo, I might eventually forget about the memory too. But as I have 3 copies of most of my photos, I think it's unlikely I'll lose any.

04-07-13, 07:22
Email them to yourself. as long as you don't delete the email or close your account you can access them anytime from any pc or mac.

04-07-13, 08:42
I have the same concern. I have put my photos from email saved to my computer also on disc and memory stick too. bought a printer and printed some of them.
Even on plain paper they come out ok , but keep away from damp and water.
Photo paper and inks are getting expensive.
On my old computer I saved photos on some other square like discs (cannot remember the name) and lost a lot of things. I took them to the library and they tried to transfer them for me but some did not work.

05-07-13, 00:41
Thanks for the advice :)

Aw I know its heartbreaking when you lose things :( sorry that happend for you.
Floppy discs :D

I have decided im going to make it my mission to organise print (by saving up and doing when I can) and making it a little project :)
I just need to motivate myself :)

Thanks everyone :)

05-07-13, 11:38
I get mad at myself and regret when I've not taken a photo at the "perfect" moment OR not asked that teacher for the beautiful photo of my daughter on the school wall when she was 5 OR been too lazy notto process and bind photos.

This all really gets me.

05-07-13, 15:08
Yes Gee,
I remember now floppy discs. Thank you.:doh: I had so much on them :hugs: