View Full Version : GP Appointment Today - ECG, Blood Test and Medication

03-07-13, 16:19
Afternoon all

So I had my GP check up today. To cut a long story short I made this appointment for a general check up based on BP and pulse readings from my home machine and to discuss my options whether medically or 'self help' to get my anxiety in order.

My home BP/Pulse readings were scaring me at 160/108 and pulse heart rate of 110 but after the doc done my reading it came out as 133/88 and heart rate of 88 which he said as a smoker and being overweight was a good reading - phew! Note: Beware of uncalibrated home machines like mine - they cause more anxiety!

Next part of the appointment was to arrange an ECG (due to mentioning palpitations) and a full blood test for liver, thyroid, cholesterol etc. Obviously suffering from panic and anxiety I have already decided something will be wrong with my heart and something will show in my bloods - all this is being done for me next Friday.

So, we move on and I explain how I felt so bad I had to cancel my trip away and we discuss how we can move forward - his suggestion - come off my Citalopram COMPLETELY (20mg) as he said something about placebo effect (wasn't sure what this meant) and combat my anxiety and panic by doing on line CBT and also hypnotherapy. I am not happy about coming off my Citalopram (been on them 6 years) but maybe they are doing nothing now? Maybe it is all psychological me taking them?

Any thoughts anyone? Obviously with an ECG and blood test coming up and GP wanting to take me off of my anti-depressants I am slightly anxious about it all.


03-07-13, 17:15
Well I have to agree about the home BP machines...I went through that phase and the readings were so erratic I thought I was going to keel over any moment! So I did away with it, I do have high BP but is controlled well by medication and my doc checks it regularly now for me...no problems there thank god.

As to your other points, I have had many blood tests and ECG's always come back normal. I take beta blockers but still have palps and chest heaviness/pain so I am booked in for ECG this Friday. I am sure it will be fine and is just anxiety doing it's thing. Try not to worry about it, palps are very common with anxiety. I think regular tests are important just to put our minds at rest, and most good doctors will ensure they keep an eye on things anyway.

I have been on my anti d's nearly 11 months and they have definitely helped me. I have also been on diazepam daily for 18 months now and since Christmas I have managed to reduce from 12mg daily to 6mg daily. I am hoping by the end of the year I will be off the diaz and just using on an as & when basis (which I was previously). So...do you come off the Cit? Well if you do I am sure your GP will suggest that you do it very slowly, you certainly can't go cold turkey! As for the CBT, it may help you...worth a try, I found it very beneficial in teaching me coping strategies to manage my anxiety. Perhaps the placebo effect comment was referring to the fact that you think your Cit is doing it's thing (and maybe it is) but there comes a point where that is your only coping strategy, so to make further progress, maybe you should explore other methods to help you manage the anxiety better.

Can your doc not refer you for face to face CBT and perhaps try the online therapy while you are waiting? I cannot comment on the hypnotherapy as I have never had this.

Check this link for CBT...you can self refer in some areas of the country or your doc can refer you...definitely worth a try - in my opinion!


Good luck with all your tests. I am sure you are fine so do try not to worry too much!

Kitti :)

03-07-13, 18:24
Thanks! Gonna check that link out now!

04-07-13, 17:11
Just wanted to add another link for you to look at...this is one used and recommended by my therapist, it has lots of self help resources so maybe worth a look too....


15-07-13, 17:17

Test results came back today - ECG was normal although I am getting chest pains (anxiety over waiting I guess) and full blood count showed cholesterol was slightly raised at 5.5 (should be under 5) and platelet count was high at 570 (should be up to 450)

Automatically I panicked and done research on line and read in to it that I had Lymphoma so had a bad panic attack - when I calmed down I rang the surgery and got an appointment and have just got back.

Doc reassured me ECG was fine and red and white blood count was fine so "get any ideas of anything sinister out of your head" Platelet count was high but this could be for many reasons including any past infection. He did say as a precaution to take 75mg Aspirin a day and lose weight (I m 19 stone and no exactly healthy and also smoke!)

All In all yes I had an abnormal result but everything else like liver, thyroid, kidneys, diabetes etc were fine - just the platelet count and slightly raised cholesterol but doctor didn't seem too worried - I guess I should be thankful but it still made me anxious and I am still 'on edge'


15-07-13, 20:50
I hope your mind is at rest about things now :)

No more researching online!! 2+2 does not always = 4 :doh: lol
Your GP is right about the platelets and all in all your cholesterol is really not that high. If it was you would probably be put on statins. I hope you have been reassured by your GP.

I wish you all the best.

15-07-13, 21:20
Problem is I have been on Simvastatin for 6 years but GP thinks the raised platelets can cause raised cholesterol. Back for another B/T in 2 weeks!