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View Full Version : Lupus? Please help!

03-07-13, 19:41
I have been having health problems since before Xmas that started with a strange internal shaking and muscle aches and cramps. I got very worried and thought I had something serious like MS. I was found to have deficiency in iron and vit D ans started treatment. I felt a bit better but on repeat blood tests 3 months later was found to still be low in iron and vit D , have weak positive ANA and Esr of 30. I have been to see a consultant who has done more tests and ordered a lower spine MRI as I have ' brisk reflexes in all four limbs'. She wrote and said my possible diagnosis was coeliac disease, lupus or lesion on lower spine. I do feel better but I have episodes of internal shaking and feeling freezing cold and tingly. Sometimes my hands visibly shake. I shake if I'm excited, emotional, angry or tired in a way I never have before last December. Could this be lupus? I would be grateful for any ideas or support you could offer me!

03-07-13, 19:58
I can't really add anything to what the consultant has said. It sounds as though they are being very thorough. My daughter has a friend with lupus and she is a real action woman, doesn't let it stop her living a full life and nobody would even know about it if she didn't tell them. It's not always the worst-case scenario.

It's good you are feeling better, try to focus on that until you hear more from the specialist.

Gill x

03-07-13, 20:01
Lupus is very difficult to determine on symptoms. The sensations you describe are typical of normal stress reactions, such as anxiety or excitement. At the moment nothing is ringing major alarm bells which suggest advanced lupus/SLE but only thorough testing can really give you the answers here.

03-07-13, 23:16
Thank you for your support and responses- it is so difficult to work out what symptoms are caused by 'illness' and which ones caused by anxiety about the symptoms!!