View Full Version : Persistsant deep breath urge and yawning - still!

03-07-13, 20:59
Even after my trip to a&e and being told its something called polymeigia rheumatica and need investigations, and my local GP saying after it isn't but giving me bloods anyway, I'm STILL getting this persistent almost constant urge to take deep breaths even when I can't, and/or yawn which is obviously quite frightening, and the doc at the hospital said he can see im not breathing correctly. I've still got to have my chest X-ray done, despite the doctor at the hospital saying I should leave it for now....the pain in the centre of my chest is still there, the breastbone to be exact and all round my ribs. I told my GP yesterday about my inability to always gets a Deep breath and he wasn't concerned, just said to get my chest X-ray done for completeness, it's there from the minute I wake up until I go to bed. I also swollow their abit and I have the odd regurgitating of air and gulping. I a, at my wits end as this has been ongoing for a while now and only got worst after I started a course of anti biotics last week (I did not complete) I'm also getting s tickly cough and obviously I'm fretting its something more sinister now x

05-07-13, 23:32
It sounds like hyperventilation. Totally harmless but really unsettling.

08-07-13, 12:46
I can only assume that the polymeigia rheumatica is causing this due to tightness in the muscles, especially given the chest pain. Yawning by itself is not really a symptom of anything. Do you wake up in the middle of the night short of breath, or have low O2 sats?
It certainly doesn't sound like hyperventilation.

08-07-13, 16:01
my stats have always been 'perfect' apparantly never had any cause for concern, i had my bloods back and my inflammation markers were ok so that has now ruled out the polymegia out. My bloods came back all normal and ive not heard anything back from my chest xray i had done Friday, i dont wake up in the night short of breath no, i had actually gone off abit over the weekend, now im at work it has started again in full force. excess swallowing and trying to get deep breaths and like i regurgitate air. x

08-07-13, 16:22
I had exactly the same problem last year and it is a form of hyperventilation but without the panic. I never felt like I was getting enough air in my lungs and I was constantly yawning, burping and taking huge intakes of breath but it still never felt enough. I made my chest very sore because I was doing it so often. I don't know what brought it on but one day I suddenly became very aware of my breathing. I was checked by my doctor and given breathing exercises to do - my breathing was all wrong and out of control! The exercises took some getting used to but it did go away. It's psychological - you don't have a problem when you're sleeping because you're not thinking about it. Hope you feel better soon. xx

08-07-13, 17:19
Are you on any meds? When I tried meds for 2 weeks I was yawning non stop and I convinced myself it was because I had a neuro disorder or something silly - then I stopped taking them and would you believe it went away!

08-07-13, 19:53
Thanks both Ive got CBT on Thursday ill sky for help then xx

22-06-14, 18:48
I have had this same problem for years and I finally found out what was going on. I (and I imagine everyone in this discussion) have something called "Hyperventilation Syndrome." Basically, over the years, we have learned to stop breathing deep in our bellies, as all newborns do, and learned to breathe in our chest's. Most of the time this is completely unconscious. Anxiety CAN exacerbate this, but most likely would go completely unnoticed.

Before you say "Its not anxiety! I've tried every antidepressant and gotten all of the tests and nothing came back!" I would tell you that I did the same thing, and it all came back clear. Not being able to breathe and not knowing why is probably one of the most terrifying feelings there is and there have been many times where I have just wanted to take a swan dive over a high bridge. But believe me, there is a solution. First of all, realize that you absoloutely are getting enough air. That is not the problem. You will not die from this. The reason you feel like you are constantly out of breathe is because you are expelling too much carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is essential for maintaining oxygen levels; so when you don't have enought CO2, your brain realizes this, and attempts to take in more air, giving you that "air hunger" feeling. All you have to do to cure yourself of this is to relearn how to do belly-breathing. Google "Buteyko Method". It is excellent. Also check out the book Hyperventilation Syndrome by Dinah Bradley. Believe me when I tell you that it works and once you learn how to do this you will be fine. Sorry to everyone who is going through this horrible feeling. When it was at its worst, I literally felt like I was suffocating. If you find yourself panicking, just remember - you're expelling too much CO2. The best way to fix this is to breathe "low and slow". Lie on your back and breathe deep into your belly, as slowly as you can. Your chest shouldn't move at all. At first, it will feel very incomfortable; this is because your brain still feels like it needs more air. But what you are doing is slowly restoring the CO2, which will in turn modulate your oxygen. As I am writing this it sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but believe me it works. If you can't trust some random dude posting on this forum, and who would blame you if you couldn't, then just google "Hyperventilation syndrome" and try the deep belly breathing. You should also go for brisk walks and ONLY breathe through your nose. Never your mouth. Every time you breathe through your mouth you are expelling more CO2 and thus receiving less oxygen. I hope this works. It did for me.