View Full Version : It's back with a vengance

03-07-13, 22:44
Hey folks,

So I have been doing so well with my health anxiety, infact it's been months. However, this past week I have noticed it slowly creeping back and it's worse than ever. I have been under alot of stress, I got made redundant about 6 weeks ago (although I disliked my job immensely so it was a blessing in disguise, i'm also a blues singer and since I lost my job I have had paid gigs/residencies handed to me left right and centre, so work wise I am happy) Though it's still all very stressful! It started when I started my new pill, Cilest, it caused me such banging headaches and played with my vision so I had to come off it, it did not agree. Of course I was convinced I had a brain tumor. I have just got in from a two hour gig and jumped into my comfy bed, suddenly I got a sharp pain in my ear and that was it - fear and sheer panic. I tried to ignore it by getting a glass of water but then I noticed my right thigh muscle was aching (maybe something to do with being stood at a mic for two hours?!) And of course, with my ear pain and aching thigh, I convinced myself I was having some sort of tumor related incident. It's ridiculous, it was starting to crawl back and eat away at me this past week and now it's blown up, all because of an aching thigh!! Help! :(

04-07-13, 11:50
I think you have answered your anxieties yourself (aching thigh...standing 2 hrs, pill causing headaches). Tiredness can also add to these aches and pains. Sending you hugs :hugs: