View Full Version : Palpitations, followed by a weird "vibrating" feeling in chest and into my neck...

04-07-13, 00:25
I suffer from this sometimes while I'm having an episode of palpitations. I will get my first palps, then this is followed by a constant feeling in my chest, almost like it is vibrating or fluttering (not like a palp flutter) it's really hard to describe. It goes up into my neck. With this, I get palps every now and then and it normally clears up within a few hours.

I have no idea what this feeling is!? I get it quite regularly, and have never got to the bottom of it. I had an ECG done in the past and it came up fine, but I was not experiencing palpitations or this feeling during the ECG itself. I've also had an echocardiogram done, which was also fine. Both tests were done just over a year ago I think. My heart does not feel like it is racing, I'm having it now and it's beating at 72bpm, which is a little elevated compared to usual but this is probably due to minor anxiety over this issue.

Does anyone else get this, or know what it is? Is it a type of irregular heart beat or something?

04-07-13, 00:41
I think I've had that in the past. I don't know what it is but it's obviously nothing serious, cos here I still am! :D

08-07-13, 22:28
I get this everytime I get palps. I get like a flutter feeling in base of throat after palps and it alarms me. Also my chest feels like its constantly fluttering or vibrating. It also scares me but my gp isn't concerned.

08-08-13, 11:50
hi there,

i'd just like to try and offer my support by saying that i am a 31 year old male who experiences these symptoms. previously, i've had cardiovascular checkups (ecg, echocardiogram, 24hr tape, etc) and, despite my various assumptions to the contrary, have received the all clear.

for me, the difficult notion to accept is the irregularity with which they appear. why do they happen when they happen? usually, their occurrence will take me completely by surprise. so logically, i always to find a causality but this is usually a fruitless pursuit.

because of the insidious nature, it's very difficult to accept they are a form of anxiety. however, as long as you've explained the symptoms clearly to your doctor, anxiety is the most likely underlying cause.

hope this helps you - even in a small way

08-08-13, 19:28
I often get tightness or heaviness in my chest when I am having a spell of palpitations. I put this down to anxiety and the rush of adrenaline that happens when I feel a pvc. Could it be the same with you? A sudden rush of adrenaline?

I think the results of an echo are good for 5 years plus, so if all the other tests were ok, and your doctor isn't concerned you shouldn't have anything to worry about.