View Full Version : Hello, I'm Richard

04-07-13, 01:21
Hello there. I used to take Citolopram for basically anxiety (and depression which came from the anxiety because I couldn't get on with my life despite trying so hard for so long). Anyway, the citolopram really did work for me and I felt motivated and awake and I wanted to learn things, and my mind didn't dwell on negative things at all, I was upbeat and positive and happy (some may say a little too happy, but I was just so thrilled to be able to live my life as I should have done all along).

The only problem for me with citolopram was that it killed my libido, so when I wanted to get a girlfriend I inevitably either couldn't have sex at all, or couldn't experience orgasm or ejaculation, and I didn't actually have any interest in sex at all, except to build human intimate connections, but I didn't crave it as such - I had no libido.

So I would stop taking it so that my sex drive returned, until my mental state would deteriorate to the point of me being a complete and utter mess, then I would take more pills to get my mind back in gear, which would get rid of my sex drive again. I continued doing this for a few years.

I tried many ways to overcome my problem, such as trying out many different sexual enhancement pills, but these would only work when I didn't take the citolopram so it was pretty pointless.

I tried to lower my dose and eat ultra-healthy and exercise everyday whilst taking the pills everyday. I also completely abstrained from any alcohol. Doing this I felt pretty happy and well rounded and my body was pretty good and in shape, and I felt good. I was hoping the healthy eating and working out would bring back my sex drive but it didn't. The best I could hope for was a weak erection and perhaps a weak orgasm once a week - clearly no good for a sexual relationship.

I then decided it was best to wean off them altogether and get back to 'normal'. I tried all sorts of therapies like hypnotherapy and alternative therapy and counselling etc to get my mind right so I could cope with coming off the pills, but nothing really worked; the negative impact of the withdrawal would overide any possible positive gains these therapies might've brought.

Anyway, I met a great woman just over a couple of years ago, and she was with me as I weaned off these pills very slowly. I had a diary and would write down exactly how much I should take and on what days until I was free.

I did finally get free of the pills, and felt alright for a while. But then anxiety and panic would creep back in. This anxiety wasn't the result of the withdrawalm, It was just me, so I concluded I must be completely fu**ed and this is how I am. I didn't want to live like that and I researched alternatives on the internet called 'Nootropics'. Don't know if anyone's ever heard of them but they're drugs for the brain, to enhance it. I won't name them here, but I used one which relaxed me and it was brilliant for a while. For about 6 months I felt great, was on top form and could have great sex as well! Perfect.

But the effects wore off, as it's well known that you build tolerance to it and then it stops working.

I still tried others, each with some degree of success, but basically, I began to deteriorate and become a mess again. Now I'm pretty much not myself anymore and feel shy and inhibited all the time.

So I've booked in with the doctors after a couple of episodes of being a complete and utter mess.

So what do I do now? Do I go back to square one and be beck on an SSRI which kills the sex drive and have to go through all this all over again? Is there an SSRI which doesn't kill the sex drive or at least would work in conjunction with sex pills? In America you can get one called Wellbutin which is like a dopamine re-uptake inhibitor, and that one is well known to actually increase libido. But they don't give it out here in England. Although there is a websiteI've seen which can supply it, I messaged them and nobody got back to me. Or do I keep trying these Nootropics and hop I find one that helps?

One other problem I'be got BTW, is my wife doesn't want me to go back on medication, let alone sex pills (as she'd think I don't find her attractive) so I'm trying to get this sorted on my own. Once I can think straight properly and my personality comes back I'll be able to chat about it, until then it's too hard to explain to people.

04-07-13, 09:59
Hi Richard,
I can only say what I did, in the hope it may help you too.
Firstly absolutely no alcohol ever. Its we worst drug for anxiety.
Stay off the drugs, I have been for 2 half years now, its challenging, but it just feels cleaner, more real.
Get a Dr. Claire Weekes book and do the treatment plan.
Learn to deal with the negative thoughts that create anxiety and panics, move towards the panics, never run from them, as that makes them bigger, I find I can stop, either stand or sit in panic, do my practice and let it wash over me, untill it calms down, here its important to try and stay in the area where the panic started.

And watch this, it explains where we stay in panic, life and much more. Basically we have become ruled by our thoughts, here is where we need to take a stand, but not fight or run from the thoughts, as that is what anxiety is a fight/flight response. We just dont react and stay with the true self inside.
Its worth a try before you go down the medication route once more.
Wish you good luck on your journey, which ever way you choose.


04-07-13, 20:46
Hi Richard.

Finally, someone who had the same trouble as me!! Lol! :roflmao:

I started on Citalopram and although it definitely helped balance my mood and keep me calm, I also had the same sexual dysfunction. Sometimes it was amazing (let's be honest, if you can't ejaculate you can go for hours!) but other times it was just plain embarrassing. And as guys, I think our sex life forms an important part of our self image.

After a few months I went to my doc and asked to switch meds.. to this day I'm not sure I made the right decision. I've been on Mirtazapine ever since, which doesn't have the same effects (it just leaves you feeling lightly spaced out most of the time), but doesn't seem to be quite as effective at managing my anxiety.

I've recently asked my GP to refer me to a psychiatrist, purely because they have a better understanding of drugs and side effects. So if I find out there is a good alternative to Citalopram without the side effects, I will give you a shout!

04-07-13, 22:54
If sex is the be all and end all in your life then consider yourself extremely fortunate...as I and I guess many others find it a real challenge getting by day to day with this debilitating SA SH*T.

04-07-13, 23:06
You need to deal with the anxiety, your fears, your negative thinking... There's no meds to cure you ..you need to deal with it to recover..
I took meds for years, decided to come off, and yes the Anx came back with full force.. But I was determined no more meds... I worked on fears, negative thinking etc...and now 2 yrs med free and recovered... I only come on the forum to try and help others occasionally .

05-07-13, 01:18
Thanks B-Brain, yea I please do tell me if you know anything better than citolopram for the libido, yea give me a shout. I've been referred to a psychiatrist by my GP so because they know more than GP's about mental drug medications I might possibly get somewhere. Maybe.

But imisssuz, I know everyone's different and some are worse than others. Sex isn't the be all and end all for me, but I don't think my new marriage will last if I can't get it sorted out. It's not necessarily the be all for me but it's necessary for a relationship to flourish. I asked the doctor why or why do they have to make pills which make you feel well again and anxiety-free only to kill the libido? Why? For me it was the reason I had to wean off it - then get worse than I was before I took it in the first place, so I had to take more otherwise I became anxious, depressed, angry, jealous, hateful, and my body had no energy to function, so I had to take more again because I was so bad. I reakon it's the reason many many people can't just take it as prescribed.

05-07-13, 22:27
please do tell me if you know anything better than citolopram for the libido, yea give me a shout.
Mirtazapine has a very low incidence of sexual side effects.

I took it for years with no problem, although adding an SNRI has given me the same symptoms as you, but the mirt wasn't cutting it on it's own for anxiety any more.

05-07-13, 22:41
If sex is the be all and end all in your life then consider yourself extremely fortunate...as I and I guess many others find it a real challenge getting by day to day with this debilitating SA SH*T.

What may not be a problem to you is a problem to someone else so we should support not belittle people.

Please don't use bad language that people may find offensive either.

05-07-13, 22:44
If sex is the be all and end all in your life then consider yourself extremely fortunate...as I and I guess many others find it a real challenge getting by day to day with this debilitating SA SH*T.

Please remember that we are all dealing with anxiety in our own way and it affects us all differently. This post shows a lack of understanding and isn't helpful. If you can't be supportive of members asking for help, please don't post on their thread.


05-07-13, 22:47
Just to re-iterate, as a guy I completely understand where Richard is coming from.

To give you an example: a female friend of mine who went through breast cancer once told me that having a mastectomy knocked her confidence more than the disease itself. Why? Was it because having cleavage was the be all and end end all of her life? No. But it was still a big part of her feminine identity and she couldn't wait to have reconstructive surgery to restore her confidence.

So if a man (who is historically supposed to be the provider / hunter /warrior and other stereotypes) isn't able to perform that role and all that it involves, it feels emasculating.

I certainly didn't enjoy feeling like a eunuch. In fact I took it as just another sign of how sad and pathetic I had allowed my life to become. At 30 my life was devoid of any enjoyment or pleasure while everyone I knew was in a relationship, getting married, planing their future or having children. I felt like I had more in common with my 80 year old neighbour than I did with people my own age, like I was nearer the end of my life than the beginning.

We are all here because we are suffering and searching for answers. Please let's support each other.