View Full Version : How accurate is a bone scan for cancer

04-07-13, 03:28
My son has a lump a bit above his ankle, he has had x rays bloodwork and recently a bone scan. The scan said its either a salter harris fracture or a tug lesion, and it appears benign. When it says it appears to be benign does that mean they arn't sure? The lump had also been getting bigger but no one seems concerned. Would a bone scan and x rays miss cancer?

04-07-13, 10:16
I doubt it very very much. They look for all these things don't they, that's why he has had the tests... What treatment are they giving him?

04-07-13, 12:04
If they had the slightest thought it was bone cancer then they would do a biopsy asap even if it was just a mild suspicion so you can be very reassured by that they have said.

Technically they always have to say it "appears" on all these tests if an actual biopsy has not been done. If they biopsied every single thing presented to them the health service would stop and also its totally not necessary now with the new scanning methods.

I have a neurofibroma on my spine and like your sons scan it said appears on first mri so they recommended a stronger mri with contrast and again the actual report says the second scan confirms the first scan that it "appears to be a neurofibroma" which is benign. I was probably born with it and am now 52!

Hope the explanation of the report helps put your mind at rest.

04-07-13, 15:07
Thank you so much! I still don't understand why it seems to be getting slightly bigger but I am thankful for your responses it makes me feel better.

04-07-13, 15:11
Appears means it hasn't tested positive for any malignancy.

08-07-13, 04:02
I still just feel sick with worry! I do good then fall back into this weard obsession that one of my kids are goin to get cancer. I don't believe the doctors and I am trying to hold it together and not act like a crazy lady and freak my kids out. I have tryed councelling , meds and everything else but I have my mind made up that something might happen to my kids that I can't try and get better cause I do not believe all those so called positive thoughts I'm saposed to work on. I have no faith in god anymore or anything else. I am hopeless!

08-07-13, 06:52
Not that accurate, might need to go for a second opinion. Sounds very serious.

08-07-13, 13:52
Thank you for your honastly