View Full Version : Hi everyone :)

04-07-13, 13:41
So I went to my Doctor and he gave me the all clear and said there is no reason for me to have a blood test, he said that it would be very unusual for me not to have developed terrible symptoms of Leukemia by now. I told him I hit my leg very hard on holiday, expected a huge bruise and only got a small one, he said that has totally reassured me and said everything is okay.

My worry now is this blasted tickle in my throat. I can literally point out on my throat where it is, yesterday I pushed down on an area and it made me cough, I hit the tickle right on the spot. I keep thinking "oh god this is a cough that's going to get worse with the leukemia that i already have" I was reassured when I though "well I went 9 days without the feeling being there" but then Dr google said "sometimes it will come and go" and I thought oh for goodness sake, really?

I was confident that a Leukemia cough was due to having a virus you can't get rid of and therefore would mean it would be constant, keeping you awake at night and uncontrollable. I never cough in my sleep, the feeling only tends to come on when I'm awake and get's so much worse If I think about it.

I never cough, like it doesn't make me cough, if I cough it's because I force myself to and it doesn't help it at all. So it's not a cough I have, it's literally just a tickling in my throat that I'm trying to cough/clear.

Any ideas?

04-07-13, 15:20
Any ideas?
Plenty but could you be more precise? :D

05-07-13, 13:15
I mean about the cough haha

I have this tickly feeling in my throat that will come on worse the more I panic about it. It never makes me cough unless I push down on my windpipe

05-07-13, 15:29
You're irritating your throat by making yourself cough. You will have to stop doing it.