View Full Version : 24 Hours in A&E

04-07-13, 15:16
I don't know how many of you watch this programme. I know sometimes watching things like this can add fuel to a burning fire for HA sufferers. Believe me I've been there but I'm 95% better now and I just love this programme (5% of me still wonders though :wacko:)!

Anyway, I just wanted to write this for all those people who are at the moment going through brain tumour worries (again, been there). There was a lovely lady in her 30's who went to A&E with a headache she'd had for a few days. She was rushed through as a VIP patient and scanned immediately. Drastic action you might think but this lady had already in her young life suffered from THREE benign brain tumours! Fortunately it turned out she was absolutely fine :yesyes: and although she will be monitored for the rest of her life she is a healthy young woman with a 10-month old baby and everything to live for. She is such a corageous young lady and for me it put alot into perspective. Despite all her prior health issues she remains confident and trying to live a normal life as only she knows. The type of tumour she had could have left her infertile so quite rightly so, she lives for her son who is her world. She is one very lucky lady who I have immense respect for. It may or may not happen again but she will cross that bridge when she comes to it. I know these things happen to people but statistically the chances of it happening to you are minute. If a doctor says you haven't got a brain tumour (regardless of your history) then you don't have one. And for those of you now thinking 'OMG - I have a headache I must go to A&E' - as explained in last nights episode the type of headache you experience when something sinister is going on is unlike any other. I walked away from this episode feeling positive about my health and very lucky that I hadn't gone through what she has and what she may have to face in the future. Life is way too short lovely people - enjoy it! xx

Female healthanxiety
04-07-13, 15:23
Very helpful Meche

I cannot watch these programmes - I cant even watch casualty!

04-07-13, 16:35
Thank you. It's food for thought! From experience I found time to be the best 'cure' for HA. I use the word 'cure' loosely - I still have odd moments when I think 'OMG' but there's not panic or urgency behind it anymore. I think I'll always be that way and I'm content with that. The thing is, if you think something is seriously wrong with you, then in true cancer, tumour or whatever disease it is 'you have' style, it is only going to get progressively worse! These things don't take time out for a day, week or month then decide to come back. If I stuck with the tumour beliefs I had last year then hypothetically I should be either dead or showing symptoms of something else. I know it's not easy but there is light at the end of everyone's tunnel. xxx

Female healthanxiety
04-07-13, 16:43
Yes, that is right - I find it helpful when I am having a chest pain (like now) or a tremendous headache, to ask myself:-

1) Have I had this feeling before?
2) What happened?
3) I got through it?

BUT - Of course with anxiety, you think every experience is the 'one'.

I am glad your able to cope with things much better and your words are very motivating xxxx