View Full Version : Apparently talking can help!

Seeking Freedom
04-07-13, 17:21
Hi everyone. Literally just signed up to this there now. Was diagnosed with anxiety by my doctor a year ago. I had a mini 'melt down' to put it in my own terms but managed to pull myself through with some time off work and meditation.

Of course I still get anxiety every now and then and have generally always been an anxious person. However, I found that reading up about the condition and listening to others in the same boat as made me feel a bit better. Terrible I know, but suppose at least you know you're not the only one!

Anyway, basically this is the first time since last year I think I'm having a big flare up. Not sure exactly what type of anxiety I have, but probably GAD. I figured that I want to nip this in the bud asap, as I don't want to spiral downwards like last year. Then again, that's the anxious thoughts making me want to be less anxious! I figured talking online might help, as others know what you're feeling. I know that in a few weeks I'll be back to my 'normal' self but at the minute I've had bit of upset stomach and just generally in a state of 'can't be bothered with anything' phase. Okay, I'm going to shut up now! :roflmao:I'm going to browse the site and hopefully find something that will help. Doesn't help that I have to prep for an interview in the morning and instead I'm online :ohmy: OK. Talk soon!

04-07-13, 17:33
interviews are stressful - is it a job you are really looking forward to if you can get it?

You sound very like me in that I've also coped with self-talk and meditation for - well for decades... I have recently been to my very supportive doctor who's decided it's time for me to try Fluoxetine (Prozac) and I'm two weeks into it, and I#m also here for a bit of support.

Good to meet you. :)


Seeking Freedom
04-07-13, 17:51
Hi Gill,

Nice to meet you too :) Yeah, I would really like to get the job but then again, I'm kind of happy enough with what I'm doing at the moment! So hopefully just do some prep tonight & see how it goes!

It's good you've got a supportive doctor! Mine just threw some tabs at me & didn't offer much else. I chose not to take it at that time because I was freaking out that that would mean I'm heading down a bad road! Now that I'm passed that stage, I realise that it would have probably been good if I had of taken them. Just so I could have got out of the 'rut' I suppose. How are you getting on with yours? I just try the rescue remedy and meditation but the past week I'm still a bit on edge I suppose.

I think we all need a bit of support at times! I don't really like talking about it with people as they don't understand. Plus people's reactions are more like 'Sure we all get stressed' or 'Get over it'. Sometimes it's not just that easy! I can talk to my mum sometimes when it's bad but I don't really want to this time because it's more my relationship and future I'm probably worrying about at the moment. I don't want her to be like others and say that I can solve the problem by getting rid of the relationship all together! I've been reading online and basically I think I have to live more in the present moment and stop worrying about the what ifs! Easier said than done eh :scared15:

What about you, are you feeling more positive now these past two weeks?