View Full Version : Help required please !

04-07-13, 17:26
Hi all,

I'm Anita, my friends call me Neet. I suffer from severe panic disorder, anxiety, depression,ibs and all that comes with it. Basically I'm petrified of dying and think that I have every illness in the book.. laughable I know but it's really getting too much. I know why I'm like this and although I've always been a deep thinker from a child (worrying if I was going to die) now I'm actually in a situation that if I die who will look after my daughter as she has severe learning difficulties and she has dilated cardiomyopathy. She ideally needs a heart transplant but because she has chronic renal failure too this is not possible so I am doing my best and have done for almost 15 years by keeping her well and being very observant of her. At the moment she is very well and happy but I am finding life very difficult as i have terrible Ibs, butterfly rash on my face and panic/anxiety/depression. I am constantly re checking things and even doubt myself aLot - that's a new thing btw.

I should be enjoying everyday but can't, I am driving myself daft with worry.

I joined this forum to meet friends alike whom I can maybe get some understanding and advice from and vice versa.

I'm currently on medication propanalol, diazepam and the most recent pregabalin and a small amount of coedine for the ibs.

Anyway that's me in a nutshell. I look forward to making new friends and realising that I'm not alone - I hope!!

04-07-13, 17:31
Hi Neet,
good to meet you. No wonder you are anxious! Watch out for those 'should's - there's no rule saying you HAVE to enjoy every day. You must be an amazing person to have got this far!


Gill x

04-07-13, 20:19
Hi Neet! You sound like a very strong person indeed. You're obviously doing a wonderful job looking after your daughter and keeping her well. It's only natural to doubt yourself sometimes - we all do that, especially when we care about someone or something so much.

Wish you all the best. Welcome to the site :welcome:

05-07-13, 00:02
Hi Neet. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

05-07-13, 00:35
Hi :)

You are around people that feel the same. I have health anxiety and like you I have had everything going that you can think of. My worry at the moment is with my heart and everyday I feel like im dying and like you in petrified of it! I have a wee girl and I also think about leaving her and it gets me in a right state. You are doing a great job with your daughter but it must be alot of worry and hardwork. You need to think about youself sometimes and know you need and deserve 'me time'.
Im not sure if that is possible for you but try :)
You dont have to happy everyday enjoying every moment life is hard. Take lots of photos and just try to dund at least 1 good thing in everyday with your daughter :) find things that make yous both laugh.
Like you I wad a worryer as a child. I think its maybe becuase in our personalitus we are genuine carers :)

---------- Post added at 00:35 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ----------

*find sorry.

05-07-13, 10:39
I agree Gee, in fact someone said to me (quite accusingly) that if I didn't care so much about the kids and my colleagues at school, I 'wouldn't have got in this state'. Well I guess that's true, I wouldn't. I've learned to be pretty good at drawing boundaries, but the bottom line is, I do care very much about people and that's a pretty basic part of my personality. I'm not going to apologise for it. OR let it make me ill! Balance is everything...

05-07-13, 13:41
Hi Neet, I'm new here too. Your symptoms sound very similar to mine. I've just come back from a trip to the psych who has prescribed diazepan, as I currently am having a lot of sleepless nights, worry and racing, muddled thoughts - it seems I cannot concentrate on one thing at a time and my mind keeps flitting from one thing to another :(

08-07-13, 10:38
Hi all

Thankyou for the lovely messages, it will be great getting to know you all!! There ar so many helpful forums I'll be here especially one on agoraphobia which I also have..not good especially if you're supposed to be trapped inside in a plane in 8 weeks time when my daughter goes to respite for a week.., I think I will need drugging like Mr T was in the A Team! Jokes apart I'm supposed to be looking forward to a break not dreading it, anyway speak to you all soon. Kindest regards Neet :):)

09-07-13, 21:15
Hello Guys,
I am 36 year old male from the U.K i have just started taking fluxotine after years of being on/off Escitalopram (ON/OFF meaning just used to stop when i felt i didnt need them). But unfortunatley they dont seem to work anymore and now im stuck! Really having a horrid time on fluxotine at the moment. Hope to stick it out and find solace in that there are other people in the same position(sounds selfish...wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy).

---------- Post added at 21:15 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ----------

@ Anita....you must be so strong!.... I know for sure i couldnt cope with what you can. I hope/pray you feel better