View Full Version : anyone here get really bad gallbladder spasms that think you are having a heartattack

04-07-13, 18:35
Hi there i am in a lot of pain and I went to my GP this afternoon thinking I was having a heart attack severe crushing pain in the centre of my back going up into my jaw that comes in waves approx every hour abdominal pain upper right hand side under the rib cage, my GP has given me strong painkillers and referred me to the hospital for a gallbladder scan. He thinks I may have a stone but I have never been in this much pain before. I honestly thought I was having a heart attack. He asked me what I had eaten over the few days and I had a roast dinner roast pots yorkshire pudding tuesday night. Full english breakfast wednesday morning. Homemade Eton Mess yesterday with double cream I only meant to have a bit but I ate the lot and a tuna mayonnaise roll at lunchtime today. He raised his eyebrows several times and then said this would suggest why my gallbladder was in spasm. He listened to my heart and said it sounded absolutely fine and he said many people go to a&e with pain like this thinking they are having a heart attack.

04-07-13, 18:40
Gallbladder pain is the worst pain I have ever experienced. And I have given birth. When it was at its height I couldn't sit or lie or anything it was excruciating. I really sympathise with you. But you need to cut down on the fatty creamy stuff as this will send it wild!

04-07-13, 22:24
If your gallbladder scan turns out clear, be sure to push for a HIDA scan as that test checks the actual function of the gallbladder--some people have faulty gallbladders but no stones. And if that checks out too, look into esophageal spasms, as they mimic heart attack pains. Good luck!

05-07-13, 00:20
I have also had my gallbladder removed due to stones, its the worst pain ever and the gallbladder is aggravated by eating fatty foods or dairy foods eg cheese, cream. Try eating a low fat diet, I lived off jacket potato and beans as it was the only thing I could eat that didn't give me pain.
You wouldn't think your gallbladder could hurt so much when in spasm but it does. Hope you are ok

05-07-13, 01:50
I had my gallbladder removed last Wednesday. I had stones and then suffered from acute cholyscititis where the duct is blocked and gb is inflamed and infected. It took 10 months and 80 attacks to diagnose as I'm fairly thin and don't fit the usual criteria. 13 months all up to be removed.
I've given birth 3 times naturally drug free and is much rather that then one of these attacks. I never got jaw pain but perhaps you were getting anxious about the pain and it caused that??
Hope your scan goes well and gives you answers

05-07-13, 07:31
I was the same, didn't fit any criteria so took them about the same time to diagnose me. I blame the birth control pill in my case.
And now I can east what I like. It's been years since I had mine removed though.
I remember being terrified of dying in surgery but at the end I was in so much pain I was begging them to take it out :(
I never had jaw pain either though. But as the previous poster said night just be tension?

06-07-13, 17:44
I'm a really small girl and don't gain much during pregnancy and what I do gain I lose it within a couple weeks. My last pregnancy the first attack started 5 weeks post partum. Due to being so sick I kept losing weight & I'm now underweight :( all because I wasn't the usual candidate so they seen no point in checking.
I was scared I'd die during surgery too!! I cried almost everynight once I found out I was having surgery. Funny enough it was actually a nice sleep lol nothing to be scared about at all