View Full Version : I want to be the old me again

09-10-06, 18:01
Hi as I write this I feel I am at the lowest that I have ever been in my life.Ive felt bad before but it passed.Now I just feel depressed all the time.When Im with my friends I feel like Im in one world and theyre in another.When they laugh or have fun I have to put on a fake laugh and pretend everything is good.I used to be so happy not a care in the world.Now when I meet people I dread having to talk to them.I say stupid things, I can tell they think Im a weirdo.Some times my friends when I enter the room they stop talking.Ican hear them whispering my name.They are always asking me whats wrong, youve changed.Im so depressed.I dread even going to the shop and its such an easy thing to do but I cant control my legs and my heart pounds against my chest.My girlfriend broke up with me.She said Im no fun anymore and shes right.I dont balme her though, I still love her.I got angry with her a lot over stupid things.I have such a temper little things really annoy me everything is a lot of effort.I just cant go on.My heart just wont stop beating so fast.My stomach is always moving I can barely eat withouot thinking of getting sick.Whats wrong with me.Ive started going to counselling but the counsellor doesnt even know what Im talking about.I think he thinks Im stupid or something.He cant even tell me whats wrong with me.I just cant carry on like this.Ive had enough.The only peace I get is after I cry.I just get up in the middle of the night and have a cigarrette and cry.I just feel like screaming.Can some one please help me I cant take this anymore.

Granny Primark
09-10-06, 19:05
Hi jimmy,
Firstly let me send you a big hug.
Secondly let me tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you must always believe that.
Thirdly let me tell you that you are not alone and that you will get loads of help, support and and encouragement from the members on this site.
I really hope you feel better soon.

Take care

09-10-06, 19:14
Hi jimmy you are not stupid i feel for you,your friends ca,nt understand you because they do,nt know what,s wrong with you. why not try and explain to them how you feel ,easier said than done i know ,i,ve been there .Have you been to your g.p.,only you did not mention that you had,your not alone ,hope i have been of some help to you ,you can p.m. me anytime ,take you lorraine x

09-10-06, 19:33
Hi jimmy - welcome to you.

Please you must tell people how you are feeling. Many people find anxiety very difficult to understand but just a good listening ear can be such a help when you are feeling low.

I have told pretty much everyone who is close to me. Indeed I had a big camping weekend back in May when I was new to anxiety and I chose to tell my friends what I was going through. They were great - they knew I wasn't myself but they were kind and gentle with me.

I also spoke to someone else who subsequently came to see me on their own. He had suffered the same thing and it was such a relief to speak to someone who knew exactly where I was coming from. He also spoke to my husband about it and gave him a little insight into living with someone with anxiety.

I know exactly how you are feeling tho - my husband and kids have also told me that I'm no fun anymore - doesn't do much for your head that does it?

Have you been to see your doctor and tell them how you are feeling?
Let us know how you are getting on - you are most certainly not alone with this and we are all thinking of you.

Janie xxx

09-10-06, 20:07
Big hugs for you! Please don't let this get you down, I know its easier said than done, but don't give up hope you will get better and beat this just keep trying hun. Hope you feel better soon.

x x