View Full Version : Stupid fear of blue cheese!

04-07-13, 21:11
I absolutely love cheese in its many forms and my all time fave was Blue Stilton. However, around 2 - 3 months ago I read that a few people who are allergic to Penicillin may also become allergic to blue cheese. (Something to do with Penicillium).
I had my allergic reaction to Penicillin almost 8 years ago now and until these last few months I have ate blue cheese when I want and with no side effects whatsoever. Having read that on the net though I wont touch the stuff. Its not a big deal really as I don't NEED to eat it but I did really enjoy it and was wondering if there was any truth to this?

04-07-13, 21:17
I have not heard of this before, I am allergic to penicillin but I eat a lot of blue cheese (Danish blue mainly) and I have been fine upto now, like I say not been made aware of this but personally I will probably keep on eating the cheese, will probably mention to my doctor when I see him see what he thinks. xx

04-07-13, 21:22
Oh I'm sorry, I hope I haven't spoiled it for you, I did read it on Google so could be a complete lie! And it wasn't professionals or anything was just people posting on sites.
I do believe cheese would come with a warning though if it was possible in the slightest. My mind however would be playing tricks on me if I did eat it, same reason I daren't dye my hair because I will probably imagine my face swelling.

04-07-13, 21:31
Oh I'm sorry, I hope I haven't spoiled it for you, I did read it on Google so could be a complete lie! And it wasn't professionals or anything was just people posting on sites.
I do believe cheese would come with a warning though if it was possible in the slightest. My mind however would be playing tricks on me if I did eat it, same reason I daren't dye my hair because I will probably imagine my face swelling.

Don't worry KeeKee, I am going to continue eating it and like you say there would be more publicity about it if there was any truth in it. I have the hair dye allergy phobia too and even with allergy tests that are fine, still imagine being hospitalised when I have an allergic reaction to it. xx

04-07-13, 22:23
I am allergic to penicillin and eat blue cheese so I am not sure there is any truth in this.

04-07-13, 22:28
Thanks, I may pluck up the courage to try it again soon. Along with dyeing my hair as my roots are laughable. Obviously will do it when my partner is off work hehe

05-07-13, 00:57
I am allergic to penicillin as are all my sisters, and I have actually talked to my GP about this cheese connection. I am a vegan but my sisters are not - so it was agreed that whomever had the next opportunity to ask our GP would do so.

She assured me there is absolutely no connection between cheese and penicillin... and then she proceeded to say that it was an urban myth because basically penicillin is grown from "mould' and cheese is a " mould' ( as in rotten milk moulded into cheese) and there may be a misconception of the toxicity of "mould".

Either way I was glad to hear it and even happier that I don't eat cheese !

05-07-13, 15:45
There is some small truth in this, but it is rather rare. I have read anecdotal reports of blue cheese allergy (as well as stilton and others using moulds). Penecillium is a fungus. Penecillin is an antibiotic produced by the fungus to kill bacteria. It is very unlikely to have penecillin in properly made blue cheese. Those who have reactions are generally allergic to the fungus. It is possible to be allergic to both, but as you've never had a reaqction before, there is no reason you should now.

12-04-14, 17:27
I have a sensitivity to all cheese. If I eat any cheese or anything containing cheese I have significant depression and anxiety a few days later. This can last for several weeks.

28-01-16, 11:55
Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, I was just wanting some 'real time' reassurance as I've had some Camembert in my fridge since Christmas it looks divine but I keep worrying about people being allergic to cheese mould (who are also allergic to Penicillin like me).
I've ate mouldy cheese for years, I used to buy it pretty much every week and I doubt I'm allergic I just can't bring myself to eat it lately. Anyone else have a Penicillin allergy and likes Blue Cheese?

28-01-16, 12:25
I'm allergic to penicillin too and whilst I don't eat blue cheese much, I have had plenty of blue cheese sauces and stilton in meals in restaurants & pubs.

How about an expert opinion:


The answer being, no looking at that, dependant on the controls of the countries involved if they are like the US.

Given that association has been around since the 1920's, they are credible.

28-01-16, 14:07

ben johnson
28-01-16, 14:16
this is from an article online

If you’re penicillin allergic or have any other reason to feel concerned, please proceed with caution if you eat blue cheese: Ask your allergist to test you for reaction to penicllium mold. It’s possible that you’re not only allergic to the medication, but that you’re allergic to penicillium mold too, in which case eating blue cheese may cause you to have an allergic reaction.

this is the website: http://blog.onespotallergy.com/2012/01/if-im-allergic-to-penicillin-can-i-eat-blue-cheese-made-with-penicillium-mold/

28-01-16, 14:38
Thanks everyone for the replies.
I honestly don't know what to do. I know it's not a massive thing but I love 'mouldy' cheese and have already binned one lot that went out of date before I dared eat it.
I had my reaction to Penicillin in 2005 and I've ate a LOT of blue cheese and brie etc since. It's just if I worry I'll probably imagine tingling lips etc and I can't be bothered with that.
Some places say if you're highly sensitive to Penicillin would that mean an Anaphylactic shock?
My reaction was swollen lips and face, vomiting and a weird rash that took months to go and all the skin on my fingers peeled off. I'm scared it could result in an Anaphylactic shock if I ever took it again

ben johnson
28-01-16, 14:39

29-01-16, 05:32
this is from an article online

If you’re penicillin allergic or have any other reason to feel concerned, please proceed with caution if you eat blue cheese: Ask your allergist to test you for reaction to penicllium mold. It’s possible that you’re not only allergic to the medication, but that you’re allergic to penicillium mold too, in which case eating blue cheese may cause you to have an allergic reaction.

this is the website: http://blog.onespotallergy.com/2012/01/if-im-allergic-to-penicillin-can-i-eat-blue-cheese-made-with-penicillium-mold/

But they don't the penicillin mold to make the cheese do they? So, the question really bears no connection to penicillin but to a separate blue cheese allergy.

Do they print allergy awareness on the labels of the blue cheeses? I've never looked but I've never seen it mentioned on a menu serving it.

She only cites one anecdotal report that she has not verified. The link I posted above stages by law in the US they have not found any cases of allergy to the Roquefort strain which is used in several types of cheese e.g. Roquefort, gorgonzola, stilton. This blog mentions the Penicillium camemberti strain so the question may be whether the different strains are the issue but it's certainly not that it is blue cheese otherwise how have the EPA and a literature search by that doctor turned nothing up?

---------- Post added at 05:32 ---------- Previous post was at 05:29 ----------

Thanks everyone for the replies.
I honestly don't know what to do. I know it's not a massive thing but I love 'mouldy' cheese and have already binned one lot that went out of date before I dared eat it.
I had my reaction to Penicillin in 2005 and I've ate a LOT of blue cheese and brie etc since. It's just if I worry I'll probably imagine tingling lips etc and I can't be bothered with that.
Some places say if you're highly sensitive to Penicillin would that mean an Anaphylactic shock?
My reaction was swollen lips and face, vomiting and a weird rash that took months to go and all the skin on my fingers peeled off. I'm scared it could result in an Anaphylactic shock if I ever took it again

Which places though? Credible medical websites or blogs?

I could show you blogs that tell you CBT has never helped a single person in the world. Yet there are a mountain of accepted peer reviewed studies (reviewed by major medical bodies including our own NICE) that say this is not the case.