View Full Version : Feeling like something very bad is going to happen?

04-07-13, 22:05
Hi, i keep having the fear that something terrible is going to happen. I will have the anxiety symptoms like sweaty palms, fast heartbeat, sweaty, nervous stomach, shaky, nausea, dizziness at some point during the day and i get this weird feeling in my brain, i just feel out of it, and i become very scared that i will lose my mind.

I will have the thought 'what if i'm going crazy' and right after i think that i get a hot rush trough my body that goes to my head and my heart is pounding, and for a minute i feel like it's about to happen, that i'm about to lose control, then it calms down again..

My psychologist said that i have anxiety and there's nothing wrong with me - but i think what if she's wrong?
I read that you can't go crazy from panic attacks - but what if i'm the exception?
I've had the same panic attack, feelings and thoughts a thousand times now and nothing ever happens, but i still think that this will be the time that it will happen and i will never be normal again or be able to think.

It's so frustrating, the rush of adrenaline is so scary for a minute or two, like i will never be able to think normal again or my brain is about to give up on me.

I feel like i know there's nothing wrong with me, but when i have the panic feelings those thoughts go out the window and i almost become convinced that there's something wrong or that i have some terrible brain disease.

Sorry if this is a long read, can someone reassure me that i'm not losing my mind?

04-07-13, 22:12
I can assure you that you are not going crazy. All of your symptoms are those of anxiety. Has your doctor given you any medication?

04-07-13, 22:36
I've been there sooo many times too..you won't go crazy....
It's extreme Anx causing it..
Telling yourself you are going crazy makes it worse,the Anx and panic come on even stronger.. Because your scaring yourself..

04-07-13, 22:45
Thanks Annie - i have never taken meds and don't really want to start either.

Stormsky - thanks, is there any way i can know for sure i'm not going crazy? I feel like i'm analyzing myself sometimes to try and make sure i don't say or do anything out of the ordinary that may be a sign of something being wrong with me.. i need to get rid of this fear, i have a college intake next week and i need to focus on that..

04-07-13, 22:55
Firstly people who are crazy dont know it.. Your rationally talking on this forum, the fact your analysing shows your not crazy.
You have to stop telling yourself you are, this will cause all sorts of conflict and turmoil in your body..you mind knows your not crazy, and reacts in panic to your constant thoughts.

04-07-13, 22:58
The negative thinking about going crazy is all part of it...its merely another symptom just like all the physical symptoms you mention. I know its not easy but try to see it as just a negative thought due to the adrenaline rush. Hope this helps. x

05-07-13, 07:18
Feeling that something dreadful is going to happen is what everyone who feels anxious feels. Also when you are anxious, the calm, logical part of your brain takes a back seat, and your anxious thoughts take the drivers seat. This is because anxiety is designed to prepare you to run or fight. Everything is happening to protect you. You need all the inportant parts of your body prepared, and you don't need a logical baring to think about it. This means you get all the physical feelings and thoghts which convince you to take action.
When there is no real danger, this is all inappropriate, and very unpleasant, but it is actually your flight or fight response working perfectly because you have inadvertently sent it the message of "DANGER". You cannot stop this as it has become your habit, but it will calm down if you stop fearing it. That is we do not need to run or fight or believe the thoughts. We need to relax, breathe, let it run its course, and do nothing, especially not be frightened by it..... Nothing bad is going to happen.
Simple..... But requires a lot of practice.... Don't we all know that!

05-07-13, 12:15
That was very nice Phil, so true!

05-07-13, 14:08
Have you seen the free CBT4Panic course on this site? I think it would help you a lot. :)