View Full Version : Anxiety as soon as I have time off....

05-07-13, 07:35
Does anyone else tend to get an anxiety over-drive as soon as they have a break or holiday from work? This has happened to me quite a few times before in the past and I'm sure it's linked. I would say I am quite a workaholic. I have always made work the biggest part of my life and in all my jobs I have rarely had breaks/holidays and when I did I never enjoyed them and sometimes even got ill as soon as I had more than 2 days off. I would panic about how work was coping without me and had the urge to always phone in or check my e-mails. It seems that work keeps me going, although at the same time I often resent going to work, because I see other people enjoying their lives and all I do is work, bit that's my choice (in a way). Now, I have a week off and the anxiety has come flooding back. I am worried something will spoil my week, I am convinced I will become ill. I have a friend's Birthday to go to on Sunday, which is at a nice country house and should be fun, but I am just dreading going, as I feel I won't be happy and I'll just be in a panic all the time. Has anyone else ever felt like this? Anything I could do to help myself. Thanks all. :)

05-07-13, 10:18
Sounds related to the well-known Teacher effect, when you live on your nerves (and constant adrenalin) all term, then take a week off and succumb to whatver virus is around. It probably means you are in such a state physically just to get through at work, that when you stop your system kind of floods. Not very technical, but that's how it feels to teachers! All you can do is make sure there is REST TIME in your holidays. (Not even housework). And seriously think about work-life balance when you get back, and if the job keeps you at too high an emotional pitch.

05-07-13, 18:49
Thank you Speranza. My mother and father are teachers and they spoke of exactly the same. I think you're right about the work-life balance though, otherwise you just never switch off...well I am going to try and have a good week. :)

07-07-13, 23:12
Also work forces most of your thoughts to be work related .. when that driving force isn't there your mind wanders and anxiety thoughts creep back in and take up that space