View Full Version : Overweight or smokers or other unhealthy habits

05-07-13, 09:57
Hi all,

I've not posted for ages because I've been overwhelmed (in a good way) with being a new Mum. Just so those of you who remember me know, we had a beautiful 9lb 6 oz boy who we named Richard Frank who is now 4 months old.......God doesn't time fly?

Anyway. Smoking seems to make my HA about 10000 times worse, I think because of a guilty conscience. I quit all through my pregnancy then started again when Richard was 2 months old. Idiot.

I also put a huge amount of weight on with the pregnancy, in part due to my medication but also partly because I acted like Miss Piggy. This also doesn't help my HA.

I've gone through a liver cancer and kidney cancer fear/obsession since Richards birth which I have dealt with and I really think it's partly because I've slipped in to bad habits.

So I wondered if there is anyone out there who'd like to quit smoking/lose weight or whatever else that would positively affect their health and do it together? We could have a little group thread or something. Would anyone be interested?

05-07-13, 15:19
I have one or two bad habits. Biting the inside of my mouth is one.
Smoking ugh when ever I get anxious I'm off outside for a smoke.
I know it is a disgusting habit.
I have been to town this morning and bought a eGO cigarette that you put a liquid
in. It is charging up at the moment on the laptop.
I hope it helps me.
Congratulations on the birth of your son. What a gift:hugs:
I am sure you will loose the weight as time goes by.

05-07-13, 15:33
Currently going through nicotine withdrawal myself (promised my girlfriend I'd stop). You can join the club if you like :hugs:

05-07-13, 20:06
Im also going to be giving up smoking that would be a great idea.congratulations on having a baby boy i have a six month old boy he was also 9 pounds six ounces born lol. And I also gained alot and still haven't lost it :(

05-07-13, 20:28
Katesa & iluvdyl13, did u try breastfeeding because that might have given you good impetuous to Quit & help shed a bit of weight? If you have any more children planned maybe next time, that could be a way forward.
I'm not saying breastfeedings easy but I'm pregnant at the moment myself & been reading a lot about babies & smoking.
My hubby smokes and has done for 15 years & he tries but never suceeds:weep:But as a female - maybe food for thought.