View Full Version : palpitations

09-10-06, 19:49
have started getting palpitations again, they are coming and going throughout the day, just had one know, my heart felt like it had stopped, then fluttered then back to normal, i hate this, i feel quite stressed at the moment. Know my heart is ok as Dr listened to it three weeks ago, but could it have got worse in three weeks, oh im fed up, just want this feeling to go away

09-10-06, 21:49
hi kirsty

i have these all day nearly every day .
i have seen the gp about them and had 24hour tape done and all ok i go to hospital on 30th october to get checked as i am getting them all the time .....after i eat .when i go to bed ect.
the best thing to do is to try not thinking about them as it makes them worse ...... hard not to think about them i know ......

jo xx

10-10-06, 00:41
Hi Kirstie
Join the club - my worse symptoms are constant palpitations.
I started on Propranolol medication last week and they eased off.
But today I went to meet some old work friends for lunch which was
nice, but it set off my palpitations and they haven't stopped since.
I'm hoping that after some sleep will be calmer in the morning.
I understand how fed up you feel so do I.
I want the old ME back.
I'm going for more tests soon to see why getting them.
They haven't found anything yet, which is good but it doesn't stop the worry does it.

10-10-06, 12:36
Hi Kirsty

I too have these every day i have good days and bad, i mainly get them when i'm resting and may be the odd one or two when i'm busy.

My doc told me there's nothing to worry about but you can never be reasured he also gets them but doesn't seem to be aware of them which i find strange because you know when you have them.

I too would like them to go away have had them for five years now ever since i got anxiety/panic attack. The weird thing is though i still get them when i'm calm and not really worried about anything.

linda xx

13-10-06, 21:45
hi wanted to let you know that i couldnt stand it any longer and went to the Drs this evening, these flutters were driving me mad.:( Explained what was going on to the Dr, he listened to my heart, made me jog on the spot and then told me my heart is perfectly ok and it is a symton of panic attacks, i feel sooooo relieved, might be able to sleep tonight instead of constantly checking my pulse[:I] thanks to all who replied to my original post, you ALL really helped me thanks:D

13-10-06, 22:50
Hi Kirsty !

Glad you have been to the doctors and he as put your mind at ease, another one of those terrible anxiety Symptoms!

You can sleep well tonight knowing you are fine !



16-10-06, 20:11
hello im hazel ide like to talk to you ive been off work for 7 weeks now and im starting to get my head around to how i feel slowly getting there

17-10-06, 04:20
Hi Kristylou,

I too have heart thingys although I think it is more skipped beats
As another poster said I can get them out of the blue even when I am not feeling anxious
When I get them I also notice a tightness in my throat and a lump of sorts in my throat
Had an echogram a few months ago and the doc said normal
It is very exasperating and probably the most upsetting of all my symps- seems I have had so many symps over the years
As to my calm and relaxed friends, they don't have a clue as to what I am speaking about- heck, they may get it too and do not relaize it
Us anxiety sufferers unfortunately have a senstive thermostat and are hypervigilant as to bodily sensations
Please know you are not alone and this is a prevalent problem for so many of us
I for one have been trying to ignore them as best I can
Hope you are victorious.



" I have developed a new philosophy.....I only dread one day at a time." Charlie Brown

17-10-06, 13:14

I get the 'palps' quite often, I've had them for years, long before I started with the panic attacks (which in my opinion are far more worrying...) there really is nothing to worry about. Try not to think of it as scary, more that your heart is definately working :)

Mo x