View Full Version : Counciling

05-07-13, 16:27
My GP has forwarded me on for some counsiling and prescribed low dosage meds till I've had a few sessions an the councillor will prescribe me what they think is best. He said they can help me change my thought process and overcome HA, has any body had any success with seeing one or any experience? Is it going to help or a waste of time? Making me more anxious just thinking about it.

05-07-13, 16:55
It's an amazingly good idea. Lots of people here have tried it and got help. It will help you to feel like you are taking a bit of control back, that's the best thing.

05-07-13, 22:43
I'm starting CBT group therapy in two weeks.
I've heard a lot of good things about it, plus I know a lot about it already. I'm really hoping it helps me out, and same for you. :)