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View Full Version : Knowing when its anxiety and not heart related

05-07-13, 17:38

I feel anxious and a common symptom of chest tightness which I have had many times before over the years. My problem is usually when I walk or exercise it doesn't bother me but it did on Tuesday and I was very aware and so every time when i go out walking at the moment I am waiting for my chest to feel tight and it has started doing it regular now.

Now when my chest tightens I feel lightheaded and as usual my whole mind starts to doubt that it is anxiety. Well in 2007 I had a full check up, Stress test, 24 hr ECG, Heart Scan numerous tests and all came back negative. I have recently been worrying about my family and then bowel pains that come and go. So 75% of me is convinced it is anxiety. But the other 25% of me is not so convinced and is starting to take a hold of me. As time goes on from my barrage of tests I feel like the likelihood of a real heart problem is increased. I so nearly went to see my doc. But as in the past that makes my anxiety worse.

Can anyone help me?

06-07-13, 00:42
Meewah ,

IF your health and lifestyle are good and you don't have any additional risk factors to take into account since your tests in 2007 ie taken up smoking, put on considerable weight, drinking etc then you could challenge yourself - when I initially felt like that I took myself off to the nearest public building regularly ie hospital or shopping centre/ gym and ran up about 8 flights of stairs/ cross trainer to prove that I could do it and not collapse midway . After a few days of doing this daily, I realized I was better than I gave myself credit for, wasn't likely to drop dead from this now and this anxiety dissipated

07-07-13, 21:31
Hi Meg

Thanks for the reply. The only risk factors are family history ie Genetic. I am mainly vegetarian and fish. Walk 2.5 miles a day. Its just I seem to feel like muscular aches in my shoulder and back, this brings on a anxious tightening of the skin on my breastbone. The tightening I have had for years on and off when I am stressed, The achy upper back and shoulders come and go during the day. It could just be tension. Or something more sinister.


07-07-13, 22:30
Meewah ,

I have a solitary spot on my shoulder blade that always starts playing up tightening when I'm stressed .. Strange isn't it the ways of the body but I use it as my traffic light. If it starts, I know to stop doing/worrying . It tells me all is not well and to pay attention.

Sounds like you need a deep sports massage. There is nothing sinister in an achy back and shoulders and they are in turn pulling at your front.

I'd say challenge yourself physically, get a massage and you'll be able to feel betetr and see these pains for what they are - muscular .

08-07-13, 17:25
Thanks Meg. I know.


29-05-14, 12:49
Does anyone feel a arm go very light, as though it could almost float, during stress/anxiety?