View Full Version : Scared of dying in my sleep - anyone else?

05-07-13, 20:34
I have this fear constantly, usually I'm so tired after work that I fall straight to sleep but often I worry that I won't wake up :(
I don't know how to stop this, does anybody else have the fear?
I hate having no control over situations.

05-07-13, 21:13
I also have this fear I had it terrible for months where I would keep myself awake till 4-5-6 in the morning till I fell asleep without me even knowing its a horrible thing to go threw I've had alsorts believe me I no how you feel it's not as bad as it was but still a scary feeling x

05-07-13, 22:08
I also have this fear I had it terrible for months where I would keep myself awake till 4-5-6 in the morning till I fell asleep without me even knowing its a horrible thing to go threw I've had alsorts believe me I no how you feel it's not as bad as it was but still a scary feeling x

How did you keep yourself awake?

05-07-13, 22:36
Look at it another way. If you died in your sleep you wouldn't know anything about it. It is not like you would wake up and realise you were dead if you see what I mean.

By worrying about it you are not giving yourself good quality sleep and all day you must fear going to bed in case you never wake up.

That is the issue that needs addressing really.

05-07-13, 22:42
I sometimes get this, it's not every night but there are nights where I have head pains and I start thinking "OMG, I'm going to die in my sleep," which of course keeps me up all night! :(

05-07-13, 23:45
I dreaded the hours going round come tea time I watched the hours go by thinking its nearly bed time I didn't keep myself busy I just payed in bed crying most nights thinking how I wouldn't wake up to see my children its bad really is I got to the point where I was mentally exhausted not only physical till my body was the worn out by the anxiety I was causing that sleep was my only option and because of the fast weight loss not eating not sleeping your body says enough is enough and all you can do is sleep believe me I still think it most nights but I try to say if that happens it happens its out my control x

07-07-13, 14:14
I've suffered with this problem for longer than I care to remember. My body wants to sleep, but my mind won't let me! I find that sticking on one of my favourite tv/film comedies helps me relax and fall asleep.