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05-07-13, 21:39
I have come across this forum quite by accident, by googling around "effects of Paroxetine", and have found some interesting comments that relate to my own experience.
I am happy to expand on that experience to any one interested, but basically I have had big problems with depression since age 13, but did never realise how serious those problems were until, after tortuous and vicious self analysis, devastating breakdowns, and some ineffective drugs, my doctor (GP) persuaded me to try an SSRI, such as Paroxetine.
Coming off my other medication and becoming receptive to this drug was in truth a hellish couple of weeks, but gradually the tiny window of hope that I was allowed when unwell has opened to offer me a full and rich vista. Now I can choose, rather than being driven; life, after all, is not a trial.

05-07-13, 21:40
Hi :welcome:

05-07-13, 22:22
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.