View Full Version : This is a graphic one

06-07-13, 01:14
Okay so you know my fear of leukemia, well me and my partner were doing the deed earlier and I had a brown splodge of brown in my semen...blood.

I have no symptoms of pain or anything and it's certainly not an STD because we are out first lovers.

I went without a week like 4 days ago and when I ejaculated it was the most intense ever, like there was a lot of semen (I'm so so sorry to be graphic but I need answers LMAO) so I'm wondering if I had let it build up to much and maybe popped a blood vesel or something cause it was so intense, I went the next day after that episode and nothing, but today after 2 days I found a little brown. I left it 2 hours and went again and there was nothing, so hopefully it was a one off. I looked on google and it says that it's basically an innocent thing, but I wrote in "blood in semen, leukiema" and apparently they go together in some cases and now I'm worked up (bloody dr google)

What do you think? My diet has been horrid recently, I went like 4 days without eating, I haven't been drinking enough either, my stomach was intense pain until yesterday because of not eating, so I'm wondering If I just messed my body up for a little bit.

Any ideas?

06-07-13, 01:18
Why did you add the word leukaemia to the search? Of course that is going to show results.

If you don't look after yourself you are going to get all sorts going on so take heed from this and eat sensibly etc

06-07-13, 07:36
I think if you google pretty much ANYthing with 'leukemia' after it, it will give a result. (There is a game called Googlewhack where you have to generate a result of ONE for a google search, and it is almost impossible!)

You are fine. Get some proper food down you.

06-07-13, 09:31
Yes I think you are most definitely fine. This happened to me a couple of years ago, it was a one off, sometimes it does happen... You're fine. Just make sure you're eating a balanced diet, I find also this helps my anxiety.


06-07-13, 15:31
Capillary rupture, infection... could be a number of things. Do you examine your testicles regularly? It's a very unusual sign of leukaemia.