View Full Version : Hi, can someone help me please?

06-07-13, 16:24
Hi my name is Andrea and I feel such a mess, I feel like I'm letting everyone down all the time. My boyfriend arranges things to do at the weekends but I feel so hopeless that I never feel like going out. I have been on various anti-depressents for years and my doctor has now put me on 150mg Pregabalin twice a day as well as the Venlafaxine and Olanzapine that I am already taking. I would love to come off of my meds and I have tried a few times only to end up worse than I was before. The meds have also made me put on weight which makes me even more depressed and reluctant to go out. I have a gym membership but don't go as much as I should because I feel so panicy and self-concious. I need to lose about four stone and it seems such a huge amount to achieve. My gym membership runs out in the beginning of September so I am going to have to force myself to go because I know that when I excercise and start seeing results it makes me feel tons better about myself.

I don't have any friends I can talk to so I hope people on this site will talk to me so that we can share out problems and experiences.

Thanks for listening Andrea.

06-07-13, 17:05
welcome andrea, i am sorry you feel so bad, i can totally relate to you as i am a lot the same, its awful when you just cant face the world, i am sure there are lots of people on here the same and will hopefully help you, feel free to chat whenever. :hugs: joe xxxxx

06-07-13, 17:06
Hi Andrea. :welcome: Lots of us here!

06-07-13, 18:00
Thank you guys its good to talk to people who are suffering from the same problems. Having a barbecue on the green opposite our flat cos we don't have a garden if im honest I dont really want to go but going to force myself feel so self conciious my meds have made me put on loads of weight and none of my clothes fit. Going to force myself to go to the gym on monday becuase I know excercise makes you feel tons better but just getting out the door is a mission for me.

06-07-13, 18:18
Hi Andrea. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.