View Full Version : swollen lymph glands

06-07-13, 16:24

I have had painful lymph glands in my groin for 8 months and they still havent gone. My doctor carried out blood tests which were all normal and sent me to see a general surgeon who said they were just glands and will eventually go away, They are still really painful and the pain spreads out down the inside of my leg when they flare up. They are not getting better and my general health is good, but does anyone know

1. how long can they stay painful

2. is it worth getting a second opinion


06-07-13, 17:05
I don't know (as in medically), but if it is still bothering you possibly... the only thing is, if you talked to the surgeon about the pain etc and he still said it was normal, I would try not to focus on it and just carry on as normal.

06-07-13, 17:22
Are you a thin person?
I'm very thin and I can feel and even sometimes see my nodes in my groin.
They are still in normal size range tho.
I also have them on the back of my neck. Been this way for 5 years and they come and go.
I had scans early on and was told not to be concerned. I've had alot of blood work over the years too.
I had a massive fear of lymphoma and today I have finally gotten over it,
I had a certain blood test and it came back clear. Even tho biopsy is the 100% way too tell, I just think if after this many years something was seriously wrong, it would be showing up.

If its really affecting you, get the second opinion. There is no point living in fear and although scary it's better to find out and have a reason to worry of there is one but I'm sure you're fine :)