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06-07-13, 19:57
Hello just wondering if anyone else is in a similar situation as me. Im 28 with two gorgeous children however health anxiety is taking over my life especially the fear of breast cancer. I recently spoke of my fears to my gp as my fathers mother died of breast cancer in her mid thirties and i am worried its genetic! My gp did not seem bothered in the slightest however has referred me to a breast clinic to be assessed this was a few weeks ago and i havent heard anything yet. My fathers mother had several sisters who all lived long lives no breast cancer and her own daughter, my fathers sister, my aunty is in her sixties completely healthy no breast cancer she also has a daughter my cousin who is foety and no breast cancer there. Also i have an older sister who has never had breast cancer. My mother is fine and no breast cancer on her side. I know not all breast cancers are inherited but in my stupid health anxiety mind i will be the one who gets it. I feel so alone on all this. It is taking over my life

06-07-13, 20:44
Hello Sophie,

I had exactly the same fear as you - my Father's Mother had breast cancer, and my Mother's Aunt. If there is a genetic link there would be far more relatives being diagnosed with breast cancer. The fact that only one of your relatives on your Father's side had breast cancer makes a genetic link highly unlikely.

I am sure the breast clinic will put your mind at rest, and will give you useful information about breast cancer. Life style plays quite an important part in helping to prevent breast cancer, and i think if you take positive steps to follow a healthy diet etc. it can help reduce your risk. You are young, so your risk is very low. I know it is difficult to shake off this fear, because we are always hearing about breast cancer. In fact more women die of heart disease than breast cancer, but we tend not to hear so much about that. Please try to hold on to all the positives x

06-07-13, 20:56
Thank you so much for your reply. I instantly feel eased by it but i know how my mind works and the bad thoughts always creep back in. Did you get assessed at a breast clinic or anything? I keep telling myself that surely if it was anything genetic alot more of the several female relatives would be affected! I wish i could just let this go and get on with my life. I want a third child and feel like my breast cancer fear is putting me off as in my stupid head i think it would be selfish of me to leave three children without a mother as im obviously going to die young. Pathetic! Xxx

06-07-13, 21:21
No, I wasn't assessed by a breast clinic, but i do know for certain there would be far more relatives affected if there was a genetic link. I know how hard it is to let go of these fears once they take hold - it is all part of health anxiety. I think there are moments when we do see things more clearly and we have to try to build on these positive thoughts. Of course you are right 'if it was anything genetic alot more of the several female relatives would be affected'.

I am sure you will find your appointment with the breast clinic useful, and i hope you will come away feeling more reassured.

You are not pathetic - unfortunately there is no easy answer health anxiety - i am glad you have found this site because at least you know you can be understood by others who suffer the same - it does make you feel less alone x

06-07-13, 21:35
Thank you im so glad ive found this site and people like you are amazing. Thank you so much for your reply you are spot on with how at times we can handle health anxiety and how at other times it feels like too much yo cope with. Thanks again for your reassurance xxx

07-07-13, 13:00
It doesn't sound likely that you have one of the abnormal genes. Is there a history of glandular cancers in your family at all?

07-07-13, 13:40
No she is the only one to have cancer. Im just worried as she was so young and everywhere i research it says the younger the person was then the more likely it is inherited. But then i try to remember that these genes usually are strong and affect others in rhe family. As far as i know her illness came as a huge shock as nobody else at all had had it before. Even her own daughter my aunty is in her sixties and has never been monitored so why on earth do i feel the need to?! Im so angry with myself

07-07-13, 14:40
Extremely unlikely that this is a genetic form then. The genetic forms increase risk up to 85%, so there would have been more cases in your family history if this were the case.

07-07-13, 19:55
Im freaking right out tonight! Ive prodded and poked that much ive found a sensitive area on my breast and there is the tiniest slightest bruise/mark which im sure i have created by pressing on it so much. I feel sick with anxiety tonight its driving me insane :-(

07-07-13, 19:59
Well I've never heard of bruising being linked with breast cancer if that helps?

07-07-13, 20:04
Honestly this is getting out of hand i dont know wether to laugh or cry. Thank you for your reply to my ramvlings on x

07-07-13, 20:12
Don't mention it, it's what we're all here for.:)

14-07-13, 21:32
Feel so so anxious tonight. I need to delete google or any news thing off my phone! I read some fact that women who have high birth weight babies are likely to develop breast cancer. My two children were both 9-10 pound at birth. Health anxiety is ruining my life it really is im sitting here in tears. Feel like i cant talk to anyone about this. I feel suffocated by it all and live in fear of the future

20-07-13, 16:39
Just got my appointment for breast clinic on thursday. Its sent my anxiety through the roof. I have no idea why! Surely this is a good thing. I will be able to discuss my concerns with a professional. Maybe im scared that they will say yes you are at risk or maybe im scared they wont. You really can not win with health anxiety :-(