View Full Version : worried about mum

06-07-13, 21:22
Hey, I don't know what to do and I was wondering if there were any understanding people out there.

I'm David, 29 and still live at home with my parents. I've had depression and bad anxiety/panic for a while.
For months now my mum has had terrible back pain and recently has been very tearful and worried with me which has set me off!. Her cousin has ovarian cancer and she has just been sent for genetic testing and scans on her back and stomach. Shes convinced somethings up which is making me panic massively as shes always so strong. The thought of her not being here brings a gutwrenching pain and gripping terror to me :(.

I'm finding it so difficult to cope. I was wondering if there were other people to chat to that understand all these feelings i'm going through(I'm not telling my mum and what few friends I have just don't understand me!).

Thanks for reading :)

06-07-13, 22:17
It is understandable that you would be worried about your Mum but just because her cousin has ovarian cancer doesn't mean that your Mum will too. There are many causes of back aches. Hopefully the scan results will be good and will put yours and your mums mind at rest. :hugs:

06-07-13, 22:38
Hang in there Sweetheart, it's amazing that you are being so strong for your Mum, please keep us posted. x

07-07-13, 15:39
It's natural to be worried about our parents; I'm always telling mine to go and get things checked out, cos they take care of themselves but don't go for check-ups half as often as they should, even though my mom actually did have cancer when I was small. I'm 21 (an only child) and I still don't know what I'd do without them - they're the only family I have worth mentioning. And with my health probs, it's them I worry about most if I'm scared something might happen to me.

Hopefully your mom is fine, disco; there's plenty of causes of back pain more likely than ovarian cancer. And if she ever did get sick, cancer can be beaten.