View Full Version : wisdom teeth

06-07-13, 21:30
I was recently worrying about a brain tumor until I saw a new dentist his week. She told me that my two bottom wisdom teeth should be removed(both have grown in crooked) and probably remove top as well. Has anyone with wisdom teeth like this experienced earaches and sporadic pain in both sides of head? Wondering if my teeth have been causing these feelings the whole time.

06-07-13, 22:54
Long time ago for me and I only had the one tooth for some reason! But now you mention it I seem to remember excruciating pain, yes...

06-07-13, 23:11
Yes I had earache and low level pain most days.
I went into hospital to have my 4 wisdom teeth out.

07-07-13, 00:56
Yes wisdom teeth can cause ALOT of pain. Toothache in any tootb can cause earache, jaw ache, pain in eye sockets and headaches. And winsdom teeth tend to be worse.

I had one out earlier this year.

If you are getting them all out at the same time you will probably get put to sleep so its more pleasant for you :)

Wisdom teeth can grow crooked and press on nerves (so can cause pain elsewhere) so you can get your symptoms without actually having toothache.
All the best and hope u are pain free soon!


07-07-13, 02:51
I got mine removed. The removal was easy. Very little swelling afterwards.
Seriously wisdom suck, get them removed soon, don't wait for pain and infection to set in. Mine were too big and grew in funny, they are harder to clean and bacteria can get trapped very easily. I'd say most people end up having them removed as they usually cause problems.