View Full Version : Something to think about

Mr m anxious
06-07-13, 22:05
Just sat here thinking about my last six months and came up with this,
HA is like a skin wound, if you keep picking the scab it will never get better.
Just something to think about.

If charlieM reads this, how are you?

06-07-13, 22:25
A very good point Mr anxious . I drive myself doolally at times fretting- and i'm sure it execerbates the symptoms.

How are you doing?

I have got a nerve test on my left arrm on monday- i am nervous about it .

CCat x

Mr m anxious
06-07-13, 23:00
I'm not bad thanks ccat, my anxiety is low but muscles still ache but think there getting better. I've just done a 60 hour week at work and been very busy and under a lot of pressure (I'm a supervisor in a chemical plant) but come through unscaved. So think I'm on the up, hope your test goes well I'm sure it will be nothing serious but it something is found them t least you'll get treated for it.
Best of luck x