View Full Version : not sleeping

10-10-06, 03:42
like ot think ive been doing really well of late, only mild HA from time to time and only a few of the symptons, left sided pain, noticeable hear tbeat and some not very nice stomach noises/productions...howveer, last week or so ive bee waking up at al hours of the night and whe you're dozy you are so much more suscepitble to the panic and HA fears.
part of me wants to see the doc to get something to "get me thru this" - b ut aside from the obvious (no caffiene near bedtime) anyone gota ny good sleep all night tips as this is starting to affect me at work - more tired, is more stressed and more stressed is where i dont want to be right now
d :(

Ma Larkin
10-10-06, 09:41
Hi Darren, I haven't slept properly for months. I too have HA, same symptoms, but I think my lack of sleep is a side effect of Prozac, which I've been taking. I've tried allsorts, but ended up going to see my GP who prescribed me Zopiclone. I'm asleep in half an hour and don't wake up feeling groggy. If I can get 2 nights a week continuous sleep instead of waking up after about 2 hours, then it'll do for me. I'm not really a tablet person and only take the Prozac because it has stopped my panic attacks. The anxiety is still there, obsessed about my heart, but nowhere near as much as it was. A lot of people on the site would recommend herbal remedies i.e. Nytol or relaxing baths with lavender etc., but I find that the Nytol makes me groggy in the morning. I work full-time, and am a single parent with 3 children so I can't afford to be falling asleep at my desk!

Hope you get some top tips, there is nothing worse than feeling tired through the day and it does seem to make the anxiety worse.


Sheik N Shimmy
10-10-06, 10:39
Would a glass of wine help? I'm not suggesting alcoholism as a cure for HA but they do say red wine in moderation is good for you. [}:)]


Keep On Keepin On

10-10-06, 17:37
Hi Darren
I go through phases when I can't sleep well and find a chill out CD works, I put it on to fall to sleep to and everytime I wake up during the night. Sometimes it helps me go back to sleep, other times I can't but it does help to relax me. Exercising during the day should help and eating bananas or turkey before bed - they both contain something that helps you sleep. You could also try a cup of camomille tea!
Hope things improve soon
love Helen

10-10-06, 20:13
I've long had problems getting to sleep but find this routine helps me before bed:

Nice relaxing bath/shower
Cup of hot chocolate
Good book to read
Lavender oil burning
Glass of water at hand with some rescue remedy in it..

I also invested in a really good mattress and top quality linen and an expensive goose down duvet. My bed is almost impossible to not fall asleep in but even with all that I do have the odd rough night.