View Full Version : Anxiety about death

07-07-13, 19:05
Hi there my name is Michael and I'm 32 I've been suffering with anxiety since I was 9 years old. Which took hold when I was 18 years old because I caught a virus which affected my liver I thought I was dying this triggered severe anxiety I couldn't go out of the house panic attacks tense shoulders tight chest when I took a breath I was off work for 3months I was prescribed diazepam and anti depressants which brought me out and I no more symptoms for 6 years till 2006 when again I just had a massive panic attack at night which lasted an hour I felt awful the next few weeks I had a tight chest very lethargic went to the doctor where they did blood tests and esg said I was fine so never did go back just accepted I was gonna always feel like this until 2009 when I couldn't cope with it and was back on citlopram with really helped and wasn't until last year June 2012 while driving I'd had a bad cold I just a horrible thought about dying in the future the realism that's it life is over! Another massive attack felt terrible for few days back on citlopram 20 mg been on them over a year and been fine until last couple of weeks been woken up again by the fear of dying in the future not a bad panic just a feeling of been alert and heart beating quite fast and feeling hot. Which keeps waking me up early in the morning and so every few minutes I've been thing of the death situation which is beginning to really frustrate me I've been back to the doctor who has upped by citlopram to 40 mg and told to come back in 4 weeks would be interested to know if anyone else has had similar though is it phobia also any techniques to try and stop this very negative thought thank again mike

07-07-13, 20:06
i feel for you, its not unusual to worry about death, but try and tell yourself that worrying about it will not benefit you at all, live your life and enjoy it as much as you can hope the increase meds help had my fluoxtine increased to 40mg and it has helped a great deal blessings